vol. 1 2019-01-04 0
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 7:40 PM
Subject: Application for interview/The Normal Heart
マット・ボマー様 サイモン・ホールズ様
NY在住の日本人ジャーナリスト北丸雄二氏(Patricia Nell Warren著『The Front Runner』の翻訳家)が、戯曲版『ノーマル・ハート』を翻訳しておられ、当方、この脚本の翻訳出版を検討しております。それにあたって、刊行が決まった暁には、マット・ボマー氏とサイモン・ホールズ氏のお二人にインタビュー(対談)をお願いできないかと、ご依頼させていただきました。
Dear Mr. Matt Bomer and Mr. Simon Halls
My name is Etsuko Kayashima and I am an editor at the publisher, ○○○. I am contacting you regarding interview with Matt Bomer & Simon Halls forthe Japanese publication of the play "The Normal Heart." We are currently considering to publish this important work in Japan. The play is being translated by the Japanese journalist who works and resides in New York, Mr. Yuji Kitamura. His past work includes the Japanese translation of "The Front Runner" by Patricia Nell Warren.
When I learned from Matt's interview that "The Normal Heart" made a great impact to him as a 14yrs old and that this work changed his course of life, I decided, if possible, to include the interview to both of you as a couple in the publication itself. I want to hear your candid views on the influence "The Normal Heart" had to you and the emotional turmoil you were facing as a teenager, leading to your current life as a couple.
The reason I am asking for your help is simple. The current LGBT situation in Japan is complex. The problem of alienation, bullying, and even suicide exists in great numbers but the main stream society refuses to acknowledge this very real problem. The harsh realities of the LGBT people, even the past history of AIDS are being ignored or treated with indifference here.
If we publish just the play in this environment, it is likely to be ignored or has little impact in the current saturated book market. The important message of the play will be lost among many publications. I am hoping to use Matt's status as an actor, popular in Japan from his role in "The White Collar" and also as a star of the movie version, to give this play an extra chance to reach wider audience.
I strongly believe including your story in your own words with the play enhances the message of "selfless love" that comes across from this wonderful work. I think your story of emotional journey resonates with all readers, not just LGBT people, who are facing difficulties in their lives. It will give hope to everyone, especially young people, who may be feeling lost and abandoned by the world they live in.
I am prepared to go to any location in the USA at your convenience to conduct this interview. The actual interview will be conduced by the translator mentioned earlier, Mr. Yuji Kitamura.
I am also in contact with the agent of Mr. Larry Kramer to include his interview as well. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have by e-mail regarding this project.
Thank you very much for your time and patience.
Etsuko Kayashima
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