vol. 13 2022-03-19 0
Robert Ouellette 様
Norin Robotics Co., Ltd. オーナー
Originally from the USA, I first came to Japan in 1997 and, since then, have spent over half of the last 25 years here developing technology for Norin Robotics Co., Ltd. which I founded in 2003.
Norin Robotics Co., Ltd. focuses on robotics and automation, mainly in agriculture and forestry. In the last few years, we have expanded our automation technology into food, beverage, and seafood-related industries. The latter, seafood industries, automated oyster harvesting, in particular, brought me to Kure city. While there, through a chance encounter, I met Dao who gave me insight into the labor challenges faced by the oyster industry and need for foreign labor, a part in which Vietnamese workers are currently playing a vital role in Kure. Dao also introduced me to Ngon Stand’s crowdfunding project, for which I am glad to be writing this message of support.
Anyone who has met Dao realizes immediately that she glows with positive energy. Her road to Japan has not been easy and she should be commended for her singular determination in getting where she is today. While listening to Dao’s explanation of Ngon Stand’s project, I realized that Dao and Aoki were doing much more than just building a restaurant, they were also helping to revitalize a critical part of the community and creating an informal, but necessary, space for cultural exchange. I have the utmost confidence that Dao’s energy and her partnership with Hide will make this project a success not just for themselves, but for Kure, for the international community, and for Japan.
Kure, like my adopted city of Kitakyushu, was created as a merger of smaller municipalities and, like so many other smaller cities in Japan, Kure is gradually losing its population. It is my firm belief that the right way to rebuild and retain the population is to make the city interesting for new people and companies to want to work and stay. The biggest thing that draws people to a city is employment of course, but a close second to that is culture. Ngon Stand helps in both these respects.
呉は、私の第二の故郷北九州市と同様に、小さな自治体が合併して今に至っており、他の多くの小規模な街と同様に人口減少という問題を抱えています。人口減少を食い止め、人口を増加させる最も良い方法は、人々や企業が移住したくなるような魅力的な街にすることだと私は思います。人々を街に引き付ける最大の要因はもちろん雇用ですが、それに次ぐのは文化です。 Ngonスタンドは、このいずれにおいても、一役も二役も買っています。
Although my company and companies like mine are working hard to help fix the labor shortage problem in Japan through automation, such a task is extremely difficult and takes much time. In the meantime, as the oyster industry knows, it is impossible to grow in labor-intensive industries without foreign labor. Vietnamese are vital to Kure’s oyster industry as well as farming and factory work in the area. Foreigners from other developing countries also help supplement the labor shortage. However, Kure needs more. If Kure can make it attractive for workers to “work and stay” instead of “work and leave”, by increasing their population with a larger work force, more companies will want to set up factories in Kure. This will result in a positive-reinforcing cycle if done right and, as such, Kure’s success can become a model for the rest of Japan to follow.
There is no doubt that having a large international presence in Kure will help Kure’s image of being a cultural center in Japan—not just from a historical viewpoint, but also from the viewpoint of being an “inclusive city”. My impression is that Ngon Stand will help make the foreigner’s stay in Kure more palatable by giving them an informal place to meet and talk. Of course, Kure’s international support center does this as well, but many foreigners will only go to the support center after their problems become unbearable. By offering an informal environment, Ngon Stand can help guide the foreigners to the international support center before their problems become untenable.
呉市が国際的に大きな存在感を示すことは、歴史的な観点だけでなく、「インクルーシブな街」という観点からも、日本の文化の中心地であるという呉のイメージアップに役立つことは間違いありません。私の印象では、Ngonスタンドは、「外国人にとって気軽に集える居場所」を提供することで、呉市で暮らす外国人の生活をより豊かにする一助となると思います。もちろん、呉市の国際交流センターも同じような取り組みを行っていますが、多くの外国人は彼らが抱える問題がかなり深刻になったとき、初めて国際交流センターに相談します。Ngon スタンドは、外国人が集い気軽に話せる雰囲気を創り出すことで、彼らの抱える問題が手遅れになる前に、国際交流センターへつなぐことができるのです。
Supporting businesses like Ngon Stand who are trying to revitalize the core parts of the city is a win-win situation for the city—the city can revitalize those core areas with minimal burden on the taxpayer while at the same time gaining new points of interest to draw more visitors to the city. For these reasons, I support the Ngon Stand project and encourage anyone who reads this to do the same.
市の中心部を活性化しようとしているNgonスタンドのような企業を支援することは、市に複合的なメリットをもたらします。市は納税者の負担を最小限に抑えながら市内中心部を活性化すると同時に、より多くの人が訪れたくなるような新たな魅力を得ることができる訳です。これらの理由から、私はNgon スタンドのプロジェクトをサポートし、これを読んだより多くの人が賛同してくれることを望みます。
Owner at Norin Robotics LLC
Robert Ouellette