三浦春馬さんのファンの一人です。 SNSは現在休止中です。 (理由はアップデート記事にて説明しております) 活動状況など統一して全てこのサイト内のクラウドファンディングページに随時記載、またはアップデート記事にてお知らせしてまいります。 悪質ななりすましや拡散情報にはお気をつけください。
【 支援金の使途につきまして 】
平和な世の中(SNSも含め)を願う「 和 」
SNSの発信力はひとりひとりの力ではちっぽけでも多くの人が集まれば可能性が広がることを日々皆さんが一番実感しているかと思います。広告という大きな一つのカタチとして、そこからさらに広がっていく【 輪 】を創り「三浦春馬」という役者を来世に繋げていきたい。
古き良き日本の文化を大切にする彼だからこそ「新聞紙」の広告を掲げることにこだわってきました。SNS時代と言われていますが大事なことは時間とともに流れていくものよりファン以外の方の目にも止まり、カタチとして残していきたい そう思い新聞広告を選びました。
※ 掲載する新聞名・広告会社や掲載日に関しては問い合わせが散乱することを防ぐために後日お知らせ致します。
全面広告を出すにはクラウドファンディングの手数料( 10% )・広告会社・デザイン料等、新聞広告費以外にもかかるものが多くかなりの金額が必要です。
● 広告イメージは「三浦春馬 貴方の志は未来へ私たちが繋いでいく 」というメッセージ (予定)に対して背景バックに支援者のみなさんのお名前を載せたいと思います。紙面に掲載されるお名前は支援人数と広告サイズによって通常の記事の文字より小さな文字になる可能性があります。
● 新聞広告、Web掲載どちらもMOTION GALLERYアカウントで設定されたニックネームを掲載いたします。本名じゃなくても大丈夫です。ニックネームを入力していただき「表示名に使う」のチェックに関わらず設定されたニックネームを掲載致します。
※ ニックネームに入力が無い場合には「姓名」を掲載しますのでご注意ください。
● 掲載は全角7文字以内(英数半角なら14文字以内、登録時に保存できる記号は可)
● 名前の変更は可能です。
※ 但し、5,000円、8,000円ともに変更期日はプロジェクト終了日時までとさせて頂きます。
※ プロジェクト終了に修正されても反映しません。ご了承ください。
● 複数ご支援頂くことは可能ですが掲載するお名前は1つになります。
● お名前に攻撃的およびネガティブなワードや文言は一切お受けできません。
※ その場合変更のお願いをする場合がございます。変更頂けない場合は掲載を見送りご返金も出来ませんのでご注意ください。
● 家族や友人と一緒にお申し込み頂くことも可能です。アカウントは代表者分の1つでお名前・ニックネームを連名にしていただけます。
※ 文字制限(全角7文字以内、英数半角14文字以内)は変わりませんのでこの範囲内であれば問題ありません。
※ ③の必要事項入力の際「お名前」「ニックネーム」の2つが登録ができます。
クレジットカード社名(VISA, mastercard, JCB, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club INTERNATIONAL)
★ 支援後は取り消し不可
★ 支援額の変更はできません。追加支援は可能です。
★ 海外からの支援は可能です。支払いはクレジットカード払いのみとなります。
★ 掲載される名前の順番
● 新聞広告・Web掲載ともに順不同です。広告に掲載されるお名前の並びはデザインに合わせて配置させて頂きます。
A lot happened in 2020. There was not only tragedy for Haruma MIURA fans, but there were also various environmental changes and the spread of various information. Overall, 2020 was a year that is difficult to look back on, both physically and mentally. After such a sudden and tragic event that I both cannot understand and do not want to believe, my feelings still have not changed, and even though a half a year has passed, I still love the actor "Haruma MIURA".
I'm sure everyone has their own thoughts and opinions, and the purpose of this newspaper advertisement is not to question any affiliated offices or related parties that are being discussed on social media. Rather the purpose of this advertisement is to find people who will once again consider what it means to be a fan of Haruma MIURA, and who will be willing to gather with their feeling of respect and gratitude for all of the things he has conveyed.
Every day we feel that social media’s real power lies in the fact that even though everyone’s influence on their own is small, the scope of what is possibleexpands when many people gather.
As one large form of advertising, we would like to create a [circle] that will further expand from here as a starting point and connect the actor Haruma MIURA to the next generation.
Because MIURA greatly valued traditional Japanese culture, we are being very particular about advertising in "newspapers". It is said that it is now the Age of Social Media, however, more than going along with the times, I wanted to catch even the eyes of non-fans and leave something to be preserved which is why I launched this project.
Wouldn’t you like to tell people all over Japan now and also in the future that you will be a "Haruma MIURA fan for the rest of your life"?
Going forward, not only will fans continue to be fans, but theywill also be able to connect with future fans.
*Information regarding the name of the newspaper company, the advertising company and the publication date will be provided at a later date in order to prevent inquiries from becoming overwhelming.
The money that is collected will be used mostly foradvertising expenses except for necessary expenses such as crowdfunding fees.
In order to place a full-page advertisement, there are many expenses other than newspaper advertising costs such as crowdfunding fees (10%), advertising company and design fees, etc., and a considerable amount of money is required.
Having a full-page advertisement is a large dream, and first of all, we are assuming that the target cost for 7-color printing will be 4.5 million yen.
In the case that we are unable to collect that amount, we will post the advertisement in a size corresponding to the collected amount; however, the more people supporting this project, the larger the posted advertisement will be. Please help us bring about this miracle for spreading our feelings, not just for Haruma MIURA, but also for all people concerned and all of the people of Japan.
......We believe that the miracle we create can connectto thelife story of Haruma MIURA.
● As for the advertising image, we would like to put the names of the supporters in the background of the message (planned) "Haruma MIURA, we will connect your aspirations to the future." The names on the paper may be smaller than the text of a regular article depending on the number of supporters and the size of the advertisement.
*Messages that include expressions such as slander will be determined to be inappropriate, and we will refrain from posting those messages. In that case, please note that no refund will be given.
● The size of the advertisement has not been decided at this time, so if you would like to support us, please allow us to leave the message and design of the advertisement up to the creator of the project.
● If a disaster, accident, or advertisement-related incidentoccurs immediately before the scheduled publication date, the publication of the advertisement on the scheduled date may be canceled at the discretion of the newspaper company. In that case, posting of the advertisement will postponed, but it will be posted. (Please note that refunds cannot be made due to postponement of the publication schedule.)
Name of the newspaper advertisements and web postings
● The name posted in both the newspaper advertisement and online posting will be the nickname set in your MOTION GALLERY account. The name does not have to be your real name. By entering a nickname, the set nickname will be posted regardless of whether the "Use the display name" checkbox is checked.
*Please note that if no nickname is entered, yourfirst and last name will be posted.
● Posting is limited to 7 full-width characters (14 characters or less for half-width alphanumeric characters and symbols that can be saved at the time of registration are acceptable).
● The name may be changed.
*However, the change date for both 5,000 yen and 8,000 yen will be until the end date and time of the project.
*Note that if the name is corrected at the end of the project, it will not be reflected.
● Although it is possible to receive support multiple times, only one name will be posted.
● We will not accept any offensive or negative words in your name.
*In that case, we may ask you to change the name. Please note that if the name is not changed, it will not be posted and there will be no refund.
● You can also apply with your family and friends. The account will be under the name of one representative, and the names and nicknames will be a joined name.
*The character limit (up to 7 full-width characters, up to 14 alphanumeric characters) still applies.As such, there is no problem so long as the joined names are within this range.
★ Differences in plans
● For the 1000 yen and 3000 yen plans, the name will not be listed in the "newspaper advertisement", but you will be counted in the total number of supporters.
● There are 4 patterns of support plans, but additional support is possible because of everyone's feelings.
*Note that it is not the total amount of additional support, so those desiring the "newspaper advertisement posting" should select the "8000 yen" return.
★ Support method
(1) Select new registration at MOTION GALLERY.
(2) Perform the formal registration from the URL listed in an e-mail.
(3) Enter all of the required information.
(4) Complete the registration.
*When entering the required items in (3), it is possible to register both a "name" and "nickname".
★ Payment method
● Selection is possible using a credit card, a bank transfer, or a convenience store payment.
Accepted credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, JCB, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club INTERNATIONAL)
Convenience stores (Lawson, FamilyMart, Ministop, Daily Yamazaki, Seicomart)
★ Support cannot be canceled after being donated.
★ The amount of support cannot be changed. Additional support is possible.
★ Support from overseas is possible. Payment can only be made by credit card.
● The order of names will not be the same on the newspaper advertisement as it is on the web advertisement. The order of the names posted in the advertisement will be arranged according to the design.
● Advertising (newspaper company name/publication date)
......The detailed schedule will be announced later.
1000 円
3000 円
5000 円
8000 円