TENAYAに紹介されました / TENAYA's blog
vol. 14 2023-06-18 0
Hello. This is Takahashi from CLIMBdo. The paraclimbing competition is over, and the paraclimbing Japan team is coming to support the next climbing world cup.
The bouldering men's finals ended yesterday, and the lead climbing preliminaries and semi-finals are being held today.
Well, this time I will report happy news. Sho Aida's on-site try video "Jack and the Beanstalk", which was introduced on the Kurafan page, was introduced on TENAYA's blog and Instagram!
TENAYA blog:
TENAYA instagram: @tenayaclimbing
TENAYA is a climbing shoe brand that is loved by climbers around the world, including Aita. There are few videos of paraclimbing and I think the introducing it in this way is a big first step.
Also, I would like to introduce you to the Youtube "Aibo to Miru Sekai" who posted a nice article on Instagram.
冬にYouTubeで盲目のクライマーがこのルートをオンサイトしている動画を見てからずっとトライして落としたかったこのルート。やってみて思うけど改めて彼の凄さ、偉大さを実感。あの動画はクライミングとしてだけでなく、パラとしてだけでもなく、何か大きなエネルギーを与えられる。現に自分はあの動画を見てクラック頑張ろうと思って岩場に足を向かせていた。あの全身で楽しんでいる彼の映像は脳裏に焼きつかれていて、俺もああ言うクライマーになりたいと思った。ぜひ YouTube で田祥さんの勇姿を見て欲しい。そしてみんなもクラックやろう。)I've been wanting to try and drop this route ever since I saw a video of a blind climber onsight on YouTube in the winter. After I climbed it, and I realized his awesomeness and greatness again. That video gave me a lot of energy, not only as para-climbing but also even as climbing itself. In fact, the video made me go to the area. The image of him having fun with his whole body was burned into my mind, and I wanted to be that kind of climber. Please take a look at Sho Aita brave figure on YouTube. And let's all crack. )
We hope you enjoy watching this crowdfunding video.