他選手の紹介 / other Japanese paraclimbers
vol. 13 2023-06-16 0
Hello. This is Takahashi from CLIMBdo.
Last time, I wrote an article about Sho Aida, so I would like to introduce other players this time.
<男子B2 クラス/ Men B2>
濵ノ上文哉選手/ Fumiya Hamanoue (ニックネーム: Beach)
パラクライミング日本代表 Men B2 | 視覚障害。2021 Paraclimbing World Championships | 世界選手権金メダル。所属:株式会社エイト日本技術開発 EJEC
Paraclimbing Japan representative Men B2 | Visually impaired. 2021 Paraclimbing World Championships | World Championship Gold. Affiliation: EJEC, Eight Japan Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.
He finished 2nd in the qualifying rounds, but finished 1st in the finals. Performed the medium format section where other players were eliminated, and fell on the innovative part. Hamanoue, who was frustrated at the last Salt Lake. I received a comment that I was able to calm down and challenge this time, and I'm happy that I was able to get a result.
<サイトガイド/ Sight Guide of Hamanoue>
宮本容幸 / Hiroyuki Miyamoto, sight guide (@hiroyuki2780)
Site guide for Hamanoue. Paired with Hamanoue from the 2023 Salt Lake game.Active as a site guide since 2018. I usually do almighty activities such as climbing, alpine climbing, and ice climbing.
Taking advantage of what we learned from Salt Lake, we were able to adjust how to match up with Hamanoue in a short period of time.
<男子RP1クラス/ Men RP1>
岡田卓也選手 / Takuya Okada (@taku1908)
HeWon 2nd place in the M-RP1 class at this world competition.
At the age of 9, he developed meningoencephalitis, which left motor dysfunction due to atrophy of the cerebellum. He started climbing at the age of 29, and three years later in 2021 he participated in the World Championships for the first time in the RP2 class in Moscow. The match against Innsbruck is the third World Cup appearance.
<男子AL2 クラス / Men AL2>
結城周平選手 / Shuhei Yuki (@shuheiyuki)
At the age of 10, he had one leg amputated due to rhabdomyosarcoma, a pediatric cancer. Participated in paraclimbing competitions since 2018. I started climbing for training because my forearms were thin.
This is the 4th race against Innsbruck.The qualifying result was 8th place. In the first run, I had a bad hold from the beginning, and I fell because I couldn't hold on to the last sloper. Since he couldn't make it to the final by one move, Villar said he would seriously go for the next move.
<女子AL2クラス / Women AL2>
渡邊雅子選手 /Maco Watanabe (@macomotion.j)
more story : https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/548997
In 1981, at the age of five, he developed osteosarcoma, a type of childhood cancer, in his left femur. Although he underwent artificial femoral head replacement surgery and preserved his left leg, he lived with a cane and a brace. In 2020, he amputated the leg that he had preserved on his own accord. In 2019, I started a sport called climbing. In September 2021, he participated in the World Championship Russia tournament for the first time. It will be his third appearance at Innsbruck this year.
At this year's Innsbruck competition, she set a new personal record. Qualifying 5th, but the difference from 4th place is only half a move. Next time Villars will aim to advance to the final.
*You can purchase maco's documentary film "Swan with Prosthetic Legs" from here.