vol. 40 2021-01-25 0
SDGs14 "Life Below Water " and this project
みなさまこんばんは Green Oneの広報です。
Good evening everyone, this is Green One's public relations.
Recently, SDGs have come to be used frequently in commercials.
正式名称は「Sustainable Development Goals」といい、日本語に訳すと「持続可能な開発目標」といいます。
The official name is "Sustainable Development Goals,"
This sustainability means that it will last for decades or even 100 years.
This project is in line with SDGs 14, "Life Below Water."
プラスチックごみ削減へ Green Oneができるコト! To reduce plastic waste What you can do with Green One!
According to a survey conducted in 2016, the top three beach drifting objects are
- 漁具 Fishing gear
- プラスチックごみ Plastic waste
- 発泡スチロール Styrofoam
Is at the top.
Due to microplates, marine organisms are constantly dying from clogging of the digestive tract.
ごみ摂取による死亡率は座礁した個体の 0~22%であ り、ごみは一部の個体群にとって重大な脅威である可能性が示唆(クジラ)
プラスチック製の袋は消化経路を 塞ぐことがあり、これらが直接的な死因となった例も報告(ウミガメ)Mortality from waste intake ranges from 0 to 22% of stranded individuals, suggesting that waste may be a significant threat to some populations (whales).
Plastic bags can block the digestive tract, and some cases have been reported as direct causes of death (sea turtles).
Also, what is more problematic than this artificial wreckage is microplastic.
What the mass-produced and mass-consumed society has brought to us is the serious marine pollution that microplastics have. Seriously affected by marine life, the food chain may also affect the human body.
SDGs14 ""Life Below Water"" also aims to eliminate pollution by this microplastic.
ドキュメンタリー映画「Change Your Mind」は人が変わることをテーマにしています。主演のMotoの変わる様子はどのように描写をされているのか。
The documentary film "Change Your Mind" is about changing people. How is the changing appearance of the starring Moto described?
To do this, start by knowing.
ちなみにGreen Oneでは、「生成分解プラスチック」の普及に努めています。
By the way, Green One is working to popularize "biodegradable plastics."
Green Oneのエコな商品が自然と社会に流れ、海の豊かさや生態系を守ることも、このプロジェクトを含め、人が変わり社会へと貢献をする第1歩です。
Green One's eco-friendly products flow naturally into society and protecting the abundance of the sea. The ecosystem is also the first step to change people and contribute to society, including this project.
Crowdfunding is 5 days left. All the staff is looking forward to your warm support.
引き続きドキュメンタリー映画「Change Your Mind」へのご支援を何卒よろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for your continued support for the documentary film "Change Your Mind."
参考:環境省ホームページ「海洋プラスチックごみに関する既往研究と今後の重点課題 (生物・生態系影響と実態)」https://www.env.go.jp/water/marine_litter/MarinePl...