1980年静岡県沼津市生まれのインディペンデント・キュレーター/映画監督。ニューヨーク大学大学院シュタイナート教育学部修士課程修了後、アートキュレーターとして国民国家に焦点を当てた国際美術展をアメリカ、スイス、ドイツ、日本等で開催。東京都歴史文化財団東京文化発信プロジェクト室を経て文化庁新進芸術家海外研修員(2011-2013)。ベルリン技術経済大学造形文化学部で4年間教鞭を執る傍ら、『ユーラシアを探して―ヨーゼフ・ボイスとナムジュン・パイク』(三元社)にてベルリン芸術大学造形学部博士課程修了。美術史博士。テンプル大学講師。近著に『ポニョCODE 「崖の上のポニョに隠された宮崎駿の暗号」』。
既に売り切れた「Far & Familiar(遠くて近いもの)」シリーズの小サイズ(20 x 20 cm)作品を追加しました!
*** Please scroll down for English text ***
ウクライナを代表する現代美術家ヴィクトリア・ソロチンスキーの三つの写真シリーズを日本でチャリティ展示し、支援金を募ります。特に「Lands of No-Return(帰らざる国)」(2009-2018)は今こそ見られるべき作品です。
●主催:アートエイド実行委員会 代表:渡辺真也 (インディペンデント・キュレーター/テンプル大学ジャパン講師)
●会期:2022年5月12日(木)〜5月29日(日)12:00 – 18:00(月曜休館)
●場所:ギャラリーTOM (〒150-0046 東京都渋谷区松濤2丁目11−1)
●内容:ヴィクトリア・ソロチンスキーの個展を開催する。「Lands of No-Return(帰らざる国)」を中心に、ウクライナでの幼少期をテーマとした作品「The Space Between(あいだの空間)」と「Far & Familiar(遠くて近いもの)」、さらにウクライナの未来を思い描く新作インスタレーションを発表予定。
●協賛:フレームマン、セルリアンタワー東急ホテル、FLAT LABO
・アートエイド公式サイト URL:
・アートエイドInstagram URL: https://www.instagram.com/artaid_2022
・アートエイドTwitter URL: https://twitter.com/artaid_2022
ヴィクトリア・ソロチンスキー: Viktoria Sorochinski
ウクライナのマリウポリ生まれ。1990年に家族と共にソ連を離れる。多文化的背景を持つ、国際的に高い評価を受けるアーティスト/写真家であり、現在はドイツのベルリンを拠点に活動している。2008年にニューヨーク大学で美術修士号を取得して以来、ヨーロッパ、北南米、アジアの23カ国で75以上の展覧会を開催。作品は2013年にはドイツ、ペペロニブックスより出版した作品集「Anna & Eve」をはじめ、85以上の国際的なメディアに取り上げられている。また、アーノルド・ニューマン・プライズ、ライカ・オスカー・バルナックアワード、ルーシー・アワード、レンズカルチャー・エマージング・タレント・アワード、クリティックス・チョイス・アワードなど、45以上のコンペやフェローシップ、アワードにて受賞及びファイナリストとなる。( www.viktoria-sorochinski.com)
渡辺真也によるキュレーション展「When Empty Self Becomes Form(我空が形になるとき)」(2014)
@TS art projects(ベルリン)でのソロチンスキーの作品展示と解説動画
TS art projects - Viktoria Sorochinski from Galerie Tore Suessbier on Vimeo.
1. 作品販売以外の特典
アーティストの滞在費 11万円
作品の制作費 18万円
額装費 56万円
輸送費 7万円
印刷費 4万円
ギャラリーでの事務経費 4万円
合計 100万円
2. 展示作品の販売
3. 展覧会の入場料
そして前回のアートエイド同様、今回のプロジェクトで集めた金額、展示にかかった費用、そして支援金の総額を、クラウドファンディング協力者全員に報告します。 (以下は前回のアートエイドの最終報告書です) http://www.artaid.jp/project/debriefingsession
私たちが掲げる入場料(支援金)の目標金額は、16日間の展示期間 x 1日50人の来場者 x 一人当たり500円の入場料 = 40万円です。
このプロジェクトはAll in方式で行います。目標金額を下回った場合は、その差額をソロチンスキーへの還元予定額から補い、さらなる不足がある場合は、アートエイド実行委員会代表の渡辺真也が個人負担し、個展を開催します。リターンのお届けもいたしますのでご安心ください。
H 70 x W 70
ミラーコート PPマット
H 110 x W 178
Paper: ハイブリットバガスFS ラフホワイト 265kg
H 370 x W 360 x D110
●ポートフォリオレビュー (6人限定)
世界的なアワードを受賞してきたヴィクトリア・ソロチンスキーが、あなたのポートフォリオレビューを行います。(5月15日 午後3時から6時まで、一人30分程度)写真作品を見てもらい、フィードバックを得るチャンスです。
<Far & Familiar(遠くて近いもの)(ウクライナ、2016)>
もう一つの長期プロジェクト 「帰らざる国」(ウクライナ、 2009-2018)で古き良きウクライナの村とその高齢者の居住地の最後の残存を撮影しているとき、私は曾祖母と祖父が送っていた暮らしに再び没頭する機会がありました。現代の不穏な現実を描きつつも、一歩引いたところから、私の心の中に温かく光に満ちた空間をもたらす物や生活を象徴的に記念するような作品を作りたかったのです。
<Far & Familiar(遠くて近いもの)(ウクライナ、2016)>
サイズ:200 × 200(フレームサイズ: 230 x 230 mm)
エディション(Edition) 16 + 2 A.P.
「Far & Familiar」
<The Space Between(あいだの空間)(2007-2008)>
<The Space Between(あいだの空間)(2007-2008)>
作品サイズ: 400 x 400 mm (フレームサイズ: 430 x 430 mm)
エディション(Edition) 7 + 2 A.P.
「The Space Between」
<Lands of No-Return(帰らざる国)(ウクライナ、2009–2018)>
<Lands of No-Return(帰らざる国)(2009-2018)>
料金:195,800円 作品サイズ: 400 x 400 mm (フレームサイズ: 430 x 430 mm) エディション(Edition) 10 + 2 A.P.
料金:209,000 円 作品サイズ: 400 x 560 mm (フレームサイズ: 430 x 590 mm) エディション(Edition) 12 + 2 A.P.
料金:401,500 円 作品サイズ: 700 x 700 mm (フレームサイズ: 730 x 730 mm) エディション(Edition) 5 + 2 A.P.
料金:770,000 円 作品サイズ: 1000 x 1500 mm (フレームサイズ: 1030 x 1530 mm) エディション(Edition) 5 + 2 A.P.
「Lands of No-Return」
渡辺真也 (ワタナベシンヤ)
1980年静岡県沼津市生まれのインディペンデント・キュレーター/映画監督。ニューヨーク大学大学院シュタイナート教育学部修士課程修了後、イーサン・コーヘン・ファインアートにてギャラリー・マネージャーを2年務め、アートキュレーターとして国民国家に焦点を当てた国際美術展をアメリカ、スイス、ドイツ、日本等で開催。東京都歴史文化財団東京文化発信プロジェクト室を経て文化庁新進芸術家海外研修員(2011-2013)。ベルリン技術経済大学造形文化学部で4年間教鞭を執る傍ら、『ユーラシアを探して―ヨーゼフ・ボイスとナムジュン・パイク』(三元社)にてベルリン芸術大学造形学部博士課程修了。美術史博士。初監督映画『Soul Odyssey―ユーラシアを探して』(2016)でインドネシア世界人権映画祭優秀作品賞、ストーリー賞を受賞。主な美術展に「アトミックサンシャインの中へ―日本国平和憲法第九条下における戦後美術」(2008-2009)、「ナムジュン・パイク 2020年 笑っているのは誰 ?+?=??」(2016-2017)、「はじまりの線刻画―アイルランド・スカンジナビアから奄美群島へ」(2018)等。近著に「ポニョCODE:『崖の上のポニョ』に隠された宮崎駿の暗号」。テンプル大学講師。( http://www.shinyawatanabe.net )
ウクライナ支援のチャリティ展示にご興味を持って下さり、ありがとうございます! 皆様の気持ちをひとつにして、ウクライナの子供たちに届けたい一心で活動しております。 是非このキャンペーンをSNSでシェアしたり、お友達とぜひ展示会場にご来場いただけると嬉しいです!
A charity exhibition of Viktoria Sorochinski, one of Ukraine's leading contemporary artists, is to be held in Japan (from May 12 to 29, 2022). The money raised from the exhibition admission fees and sales of artworks will be sent to Japan UNICEF's Ukraine Emergency Fund.
On February 24, 2022, I, Shinya Watanabe, saw the news of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
In the face of the horrific situation, I wondered what I could do for them. I started to think if I could utilize the knowledge of "ART-AID," which is an art charity event I organized in Switzerland to support the Tohoku region immediately after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.
While I was thinking about this, I came across a Facebook post by my friend Viktoria Sorochinski (an artist and photographer from Ukraine).
I wondered if we could organize a charity exhibition to support Ukraine that would unite our feelings for her homeland through art. Then I immediately contacted her and she readily agreed.
Viktoria Sorochinski says, “I still cannot sleep at night thinking about my family members who are still in Ukraine, especially those who live in Mariupol and whose survival cannot be confirmed.” “I am an artist. That's why I want to support Ukraine in the face of hardship through my artworks.”
Three photo series by Viktoria Sorochinski, one of Ukraine's leading contemporary artists, will be exhibited for charity in Japan to raise funds. In particular, "Lands of No-Return" (2009-2018) is a work that needs to be seen now more than ever.
This long-term project photographed elderlies living in marginalized communities in Ukraine. Since the outbreak of war, those shown in the photos have literally been transformed into “Lands of No-Return.”
●Project Title: ART-AID: Viktoria Sorochinski’s Solo Exhibition “Dreaming of Life: With Ukraine”
●Organizer: Art-Aid Executive Committee
●Representative: Shinya Watanabe (Independent Curator / Adjunct Professor at Temple University Japan)
●Dates: Thursday, May 12 - Sunday, May 29, 2022. 12:00 - 18:00 (closed on Mondays)
●Location: Gallery TOM (2-11-1, Shoto, Shibuya district, Tokyo, 150-0046)
●Contents:Solo exhibition of Viktoria Sorochinski will be held. The exhibition will feature "Lands of No-Return," and two works based on her childhood in Ukraine "The Space Between" and "Far & Familiar," as well as a new installation that envisions the future of Ukraine.
●Support: Frameman, Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel, FLAT LABO
●Cooperation: Gallery TOM, Hosen Gakuen Junior & Senior High School, Goethe-Institut Tokyo
・Art-Aid official website URL:
・Art-Aid Instagram URL: https://www.instagram.com/artaid_2022
・Art Aid Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/artaid_2022
<Gallery TOM>
Gallery TOM is a private art museum established in 1984 by Ado Murayama, whose father is Tomoyoshi Murayama, Japan's first dadaist and the founder of the avant-garde art group "MAVO," and his wife Harue. They were motivated by the words of their son who was visually impaired and created a private art museum as a "gallery for the visually impaired to see things with their hands.”
Viktoria Sorochinski, was born in Mariupol, Ukraine in 1979 and left the Soviet Union with her family in 1990. She is an internationally acclaimed artist/photographer with a multicultural background, currently based in Berlin, Germany. After acquiring her MFA from the New York University in 2008, she has had over 75 exhibitions in 23 countries in Europe, North and South America, and Asia. Her work has been featured in over 85 international publications, including her first book featuring her longterm project "Anna & Eve" published in Germany by Pepperoni Books, in 2013. She is also a winner and a finalist of more than 45 competitions, fellowships, and awards, including the Arnold Newman Prize, the Leica Oskar Barnack Award, the Lucy Award (Discovery of the Year), the LensCulture Emerging Talent Award, and the Critics' Choice Award among many others. In addition to Sorochinski’s pursuit of artistic career she is also curating international exhibitions, giving lectures, workshops and talks in various institutions worldwide, as well as private coaching/consulting.
The exhibition “When Empty Self Becomes Form” (2014) curated by Shinya Watanabe.
TS art projects - Viktoria Sorochinski from Galerie Tore Suessbier on Vimeo.
In this project, we will collect donations through the following methods:
1. Items other than sales of artworks
2. Sale of exhibited works
3. Admission fees to the exhibition
1. Items other than sales of artworks
Approximately 1 million yen is needed to hold the exhibition.
110,000 yen for the artist's stay
180,000 yen for the production of artwork
560,000 yen for framing costs
70,000 yen for transportation expenses
40,000 yen for printing costs
40,000 yen for administrative expenses at the gallery
Total: 1 million yen
(In this project, the artist will pay for her own transportation costs, and the Executive Committee will cover the cost of her stay.)
If the funds raised exceed the exhibition costs, the entire difference will be transferred to UNICEF, but if the funds raised are less than the exhibition costs, the difference will be made up from the amount scheduled to be returned to Sorochinski. If there is a further shortfall, Shinya Watanabe, the ART-AID Executive Committee representative, will personally bear the cost.
2. Sale of exhibited works
Normally, when an artwork is sold at a gallery, 40-50% of the sales price goes to the gallery and 50-60% goes to the artist. However, this time, 50% of the sales of artwork will be donated, 30% will go to the artist, and 20% will be used for the operation of the exhibition.
3. Admission fees to the exhibition
All the exhibition’s admission fees will be donated.
*We will donate the money to UNICEF Japan's "Ukraine Emergency Fund.”
One of the reasons why we decided to donate money to UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) was influenced by dreams that Sorochinski had.
“Around 2-3 months before the Russian invasion started in Ukraine, I had a few times dreams, which later turned out to be prophetic dreams. I saw myself in the middle of a war, and the vision was so clear, like it was happening for real. I saw bombs heating houses; I saw the soldiers shooting. And I knew that I was related personally to this place, but at the same time I knew that I am somehow physically safe, and they can’t hit me. But at the same time, I knew in these dreams that I had a mission to protect children.
In one of these dreams, I was in an apartment that was full of children from different families and different places and of various ages, and they were all very vulnerable and unprotected, some were sitting directly at the balcony, while there was shooting and bombing all around. And I was trying to hide them and protect them in every way I could. I knew this was my mission.
For some time, I forgot about these dreams, and they came back to me only when the conflict started, and those dreams became reality.
Therefore, when I was choosing to which organization, I would like to donate funds in Ukraine, it was clear to me, that it must be an organization that helps children to cope with the consequences of this horrible war. As children are the most vulnerable and the most unprotected of all in this situation."
As with the previous ART-AID, we will report to all of our crowdfunding partners on the amount of money raised for this project, the cost of the exhibition, and the total amount of support funds. (Below is the final report of the previous ART-AID.) http://www.artaid.jp/project/debriefingsession
Challenge: To collect donations as much as possible.
We aim to raise a total of 1.4 million yen in aid for Ukraine.
●The target amount for the admission fees (donations): 400,000 yen.
Our target for admission fees (donations) is 16 days exhibition period x 50 visitors per day x admission fee of 500 yen per person = 400,000 yen.
●Donations from the sales of artworks: 1 million yen
The target amount for artwork sales is 2 million yen, and half of this amount, 1 million yen, will be donated.
●Support from benefits other than the sale of artworks: 0 yen
The target amount of support to be collected from benefits other than the sales of artworks is 660,000 yen. Of this amount, 600,000 yen will be used for the exhibition and 60,000 yen will be used for the crowdfunding fee. If the target amount exceeds the actual cost of the exhibition, the entire amount will be donated.
This project will be conducted on an all-in basis. If the amount falls short of the target, the difference will be made up from the amount scheduled to be returned to Sorochinski, and if there is a further shortfall, Shinya Watanabe, the representative of the ART-AID Executive Committee, will personally bear the cost of the exhibition. Please be assured that all returns will be delivered.
【Items Other Than the Sale of Artworks】
●Video Messages from the artist (with Japanese subtitles)
We will deliver video messages from the artist, Viktoria Sorochinski. We plan to deliver them twice, before and after the artist's arrival in Japan.
●Exhibition Digital Passport
We will send an exhibition digital passport that allows entry into the exhibition as many times as desired during the exhibition period. Please show it on your cell phone when you visit the exhibition.
●ART-AID original sticker
H 70 x W 70
Mirror-coated PP matte
●Exhibition postcard (large size, special edition)
H 110 x W 178
Paper: Hybrid Bagasse FS Rough White 265kg
●Exhibition original eco-bag
H 370 x W 360 x D110
Material: Cotton (11-13 oz.)
● Name Listing (small, medium, or large) on the website
Depending on the amount of money, the name of individuals or companies will be posted on the official Art-Aid website.
●Portfolio review (limited to 6 people)
Victoria Sorochinski, a world-renowned award-winning artist, will conduct a portfolio review of six individuals. (May 15, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., about 30 minutes per person) This is a chance to have your photographic work reviewed and get feedback from the artist.
<Far & Familiar (Ukraine, 2016)>
Price: 79,200 yen
Size of the work: 200 x 200 (frame size: 230 x 230 mm)
Editions: 16 + 2 A.P.
Click here to see the high-resolution photo →
"Far & Familiar"
<The Space Between (2007-2008) >
Price: 195,800 yen
Size of the work: 400 x 400 mm (Frame size: 430 x 430 mm)
Edition: 7 + 2 A.P.
Click here for the high-resolution photo →
"The Space Between"
<Lands of No-Return (Ukraine, 2009-2018)>
Price: ¥195,800 Work size: 400 x 400 mm (Frame size: 430 x 430 mm) Editions: 10 + 2 A.P.
Price: ¥209,000 Work size: 400 x 560 mm (Frame size: 430 x 590 mm) Edition: 12 + 2 A.P.
Price: ¥401,500 Work size: 700 x 700 mm (Frame size: 730 x 730 mm) Editions: 5 + 2 A.P.
Price: ¥770,000 Work size: 1000 x 1500 mm (Frame size: 1030 x 1530 mm) Edition 5 + 2 A.P.
For high-resolution photos, please click here →
"Lands of No-Return"
*The works sold here are framed works that will be exhibited at the exhibition from May 12 to 29.
Frame specifications: Opus Alpolic (3mm), full surface machine lamination process, wooden box production, painting, and framed in a floating frame (no acrylic) with a box over the frame
Color of frame: dark brown
*The frames used in this exhibition are provided at a special price with the sponsorship of Frameman Co.
*All photographs are museum prints made with archival inkjet paper, which is resistant to deterioration over time.
*Please note that if this charity exhibition travels to the other cities in Japan, delivery of the works may be delayed to September.
Independent curator/filmmaker born in Numazu, Shizuoka, Japan in 1980. After receiving his M.A. from the Steinert School of Education at New York University, he worked as a gallery manager at Ethan Cohen Fine Art for two years. As an art curator, he organized international art exhibitions focusing on nation-states in the United States, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, and other countries. After working at the Tokyo Culture Creation Project Office of the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, he was an overseas trainee for emerging artists at the Agency for Cultural Affairs (2011-2013).
While teaching for four years at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin, he completed his doctoral studies from the University of the Arts Berlin with "In Search of Eurasia: Joseph Beuys and Nam June Paik" (Sangensha). His first film "Soul Odyssey - Searching for Eurasia" (2016), won the International Award of Excellence, Story Award at International Film Festivals for Peace, Inspiration, and Equality (IFFPIE). His major art exhibitions include "Into the Atomic Sunshine: Postwar Art under Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution" (2008-2009), "Nam June Paik 2020: Who's Laughing ? +? =?" (2016-2017), "Stone/Rock Carvings as Beginnings - From Ireland to Amami Islands" (2018), etc. His most recent book is "Ponyo CODE: Hayao Miyazaki's Codes Hidden in 'Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea'." Watanabe is an Adjunct Professor at Temple University Japan.
A scene from the 2011 ART-AID Basel Project for Japan
Thank you for your interest in our charity exhibition in support of Ukraine! We are working to unite all of your feelings and deliver the donations to the children in Ukraine. We would appreciate it if you could share this campaign on your SNS and visit the exhibition with your friends!
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