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TKA4 -都営高円寺アパート4号棟- プロフィールを表示










The Statement of TKA4!

In this era, everything is measured with money. In this society the worth of anything is based on functionality. It is a space, that is neither "a place to live" nor "a place to work".

What we need is a playground. You can do anything. You also don't have to do anything. Lie down and watch a movie. Pick up iron plates and weld them. Paint a picture. Smoke shisha. Work out. Drink beer. Cook. Dance to loud music. Nap. Coffee. Take a walk. Cigarettes. Sandbag. Forging. Climb a tree. Tattoo. Eat curry and then more beer.

Let's play. Let's waste our time. Let's find gain in pain. Let's die well. Let's die happily. Just like this dying building. Just like TKA4.







Along Loop Road No. 7, not far from Koenji. An apartment building is drawing its last breath: all the shops and the apartments are shut down and the outside is covered with graffitis. It is called, 都営高円寺アパート4号棟, Koenji Municipal Apartment 4th Building (TKA4). As mentioned, it used to be a municipal apartment, and we still can feel the echo of the uproar from days gone by. Looking out on a wide road, with a park and a temple in the back. Reconstruction plans are in the horizon but are suspended for now because of the upcoming Tokyo Olympic Games.

It was a few years ago that we first laid eyes on this building. Some artist friends, now the members of TKA4, who have had enough of the million restrictions imposed at the workshop of the university, were looking for a place to work on their art as they please and where they don’t need to worry about the noise. The rent is fairly cheap, and the location is quite suitable. It’s difficult to find such place in Tokyo...wait a minute, what about that building we saw some years ago? It should be the perfect spot but there were no vacancy signs back then.

It was until October 2017 that a vacancy sign showed up at the very same building! We must tell our friends: we can finally get our own workplace! Wait, maybe we can do a lot more than just a workplace? We have thus decided to turn it into our own playground. Now, how to use this playground? Well, it's all up to you. But briefly, these are three ways of utilizing this playground that we suggest.

8/18-19 Opening Eventの際のライブペイントアーカイブ





How to play

The first one is: be an artist. You can use this space as your main workplace. When you want to use a welder or a compressor, but you think it is too much to buy your own, you can rent the space and tools for a day or more. You are a student in an art university, but now it's summer vacation and you cannot work there. The noise is too loud to work at your own apartment. You want to paint a huge picture, but your room is not big enough or you just need to keep it clean. All welcome! Yay, you've made your own art! Now, what to do with it?

So here comes the second suggestion. Use this space as a gallery, or an event space. Let's exhibit your art. It doesn't have to be one you have created in this space however. Of course it doesn't have to be an exhibition, you can perform dance or music. You can basically do anything (except destroying the building, ironic right?), so you can turn the walls or the ceiling into your own canvas. More than that, we don't have to worry about the noise, so use it as a live house, an event space, or simply just to party your brains out! Watch your favorite movie with loud speakers, or hold a study meeting! Hum? Study meetings in a playground?

Well, here comes the third suggestion. It is not as substantial, but we suggest to hold various "study meetings". Workshops, in other words. Languages. IT skills. First aids. Cooking. Self-defense. It doesn't have to be literally practical. Paintings. Guitars. Ideas for a new movie. Roasting coffee beans. Let's talk about what we love. Let's share our knowledge. Let's caress our curiosity. Our curiosity makes us evolve. Let's enjoy useless knowledge. Yes! This is our playground!


所属アーティスト/Resident artists

カシワギヰチ花 / Ichika Kashiwagi

1995年 東京生
2018年 多摩美術大学 工芸学科 金属専攻 卒業
東京藝術大学 大学院 修士課程 先端芸術表現専攻 在籍

全国公募第53回神奈川県美術展 平面部門 入選
全国公募ポコラートvol.7 入選

全国公募第53回神奈川県美術展 第1期展 (神奈川県民ホールギャラリー)
全国公募ポコラートvol.7 入選展 (アーツ千代田3331)


柴田 純椰 / Junya Shibata

1994年 東京生
2018年 多摩美術大学 絵画学科油画専攻 卒業

2018年 個展GUM perfume(Maria)

五十川 祐 / Yu Isogawa

2018年 多摩美術大学絵画学科油画専攻 卒業
東京藝術大学大学院 修士課程 油画専攻 在籍

すでにある設備 / What we have already


We already secured the space, and we have finished the interior.
What we already have is as follows:

・サウンドシステム / Sound System
・作業台 / Workbench
・グラインダー、ノコギリなどのハンド工具 / Hand Tools (grinders, saws.....)
・プロジェクター / Projector
・アンプ(ギター×2、ベース×1)/ Amplifiers (2 for guitar, 1 for bass)
・ソファ / Sofa
・調理器具一式 / Cooking Tools
・ミラーボール / Mirror Ball

導入予定の設備 / What we are planning to have


What we will perches with the money from this crowdfunding are:
コンプレッサー / Compressor (¥20,000)
半自動溶接機 / MIG Welder (¥170,000)
コンターマシン / Contour Machine (¥250,000)
ボール盤 / Drilling Machine (¥140,000)
アンヴィル / Anvil (¥80,000)
電気ろくろ / Electric Lathe (¥130,000)
電気窯 / Electric Kiln (¥400,000)
(以上1,190,000円 / All above, ¥1,190,000)

リターン及びその他雑費 / Return and the other (¥310,000)

導入予定機材 ※イメージ


3,000円:お礼状+ステッカーセット / Thank-you-note + Sticker set

ステッカーセット ※イメージ

5,000円:お礼状+Tシャツ(A/Bどちらか1枚) /Thanks-you-note + T-shirt

Tシャツ(デザインA/B) ※イメージ

8,000円:お礼状+手作り栓抜き(ロゴ入り)/ Thank-you-note + Handmade bottle opener (with TKA4 logo)

栓抜き(鉄製)  ※イメージ

10,000円:お礼状+鉄の薔薇一輪(byカシワギヰチ花)/ Thank-you-note + 1 Iron rose (by Ichika Kashiwagi)

鉄のバラ ※イメージ

15,000円:お礼状+Tシャツ+ステッカーセット+手作り栓抜き(ロゴ入り)/Thank-you-note + T-shirt + Sticker set + Handmade bottle opener (with TKA4 logo)

ステッカー・Tシャツ・栓抜きセット ※イメージ

30,000円:お礼状+鉄の薔薇三輪(byカシワギヰチ花)/ Thank-you-note + 3 Iron roses (by Ichika Kashiwagi)

鉄の薔薇 ※イメージ

50,000円:お礼状+所属アーティストの小品(byカシワギヰチ花or柴田純椰)/ Thank-you-note + 1 Personalized small work of art by one of our resident artists(by Ichika Kashiwagi or Junya Shibata)

100,000円:お礼状+所属アーティストの作品(byカシワギヰチ花or柴田純椰)/ Thank-you-note + 1 Personalized work of art by one of our resident artists(by Ichika Kashiwagi or Junya Shibata)



Risk and challenge

Since we have already secured the space and have been working on the project, we can already realize the second, the third, and some part of the first suggestions explained in the "How to play" section. This is a crowdfunding to get more tools, and to increase the potential of the “playground”, so the risk is having a limited choice of tools and limited ways of utilizing the space.




Thank you so much for reading! Some things might seem useless but they are never a waste of time! Useless fun is never in vain! For the day we die, for the day we die while we smile, please join us in our playground!


  • 3000

    お礼状 + ステッカーセット

    • お礼状
    • ステッカー
    • 2018年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 4人が応援しています。
  • 5000

    お礼状 + Tシャツ

    • お礼状
    • Tシャツ
    • 2018年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 4人が応援しています。
  • 8000

    お礼状 + 手作り栓抜き(ロゴ入り)

    • お礼状
    • 手作り栓抜き(ロゴ入り)
    • 2018年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。
  • 残り18枚


    お礼状 + 鉄の薔薇一輪

    • お礼状
    • カシワギヰチ花作・鉄の薔薇 一輪
    • 2018年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 12人が応援しています。
  • 残り29枚


    お礼状 + Tシャツ + ステッカーセット + 手作り栓抜き(ロゴ入り)

    • お礼状
    • ステッカー
    • Tシャツ
    • 手作り栓抜き(ロゴ入り)
    • 2018年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。
  • 残り9枚


    お礼状 + 鉄の薔薇三輪

    • お礼状
    • カシワギヰチ花作・鉄の薔薇 三輪
    • 2018年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。
  • 残り4枚


    お礼状 + 所属アーティストの小品

    • お礼状
    • 所属アーティスト(カシワギヰチ花or柴田純椰)による小品
    • 2018年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 残り4枚


    お礼状 + 所属アーティストの作品

    • お礼状
    • 所属アーティスト(カシワギヰチ花or柴田純椰)による作品
    • 2018年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。