vol. 22 2024-04-07 0
映画制作マスタークラス「FUKUSHIMA with Béla Tarr」の受講生からの振り返りメッセージのご紹介。
LIN Po-yu
Director / Taiwan
An essay from LIN Po-yu
(English follows)
毎日、私は「FUKUSHIMA with BÉLA TARR」での、自分の考えを記録していた。 しかし、最終日の夜、私は自分の考察を記録することをためらった。なぜなら、この最後の考察を記録すれば、本当にすべてが終わってしまうような気がしたからだ。
彼と目が合うと、彼は低く不機嫌そうな声で挨拶し、目を細め、こちらが冗談を言うと「何だ?」という。いつも震えている中指を曲げて「失せろ 」と言う。そして、何かミスをすると、杖を振り上げて威嚇し、殴るふりをするのだ。
私はベーラに 「最後に何か私にアドバイスはありますか?」と尋ねた。
Every day, I would record my thoughts for the “FUKUSHIMA with BÉLA TARR”. But on the final night, I hesitated to record my reflections because I knew that once this final reflection was recorded, it would truly mark the end of it all.
Last night in this workshop, after the dinner following the screening, as Béla, ready to retire to his room, hugged each one of us from our respective teams, those deep embraces and smiles were his final blessings to us. He said he would do everything in his power to help us and hoped that one day, we would meet again.
At that moment, I truly loved this old man who always had a cigarette in hand, drank beer like water, hated food without spice, and detested the Japanese custom of slippers.
When you locked eyes with him, he would greet you with a low, gruff voice, squinting at you, asking, “What?” when we joked with him. He would curl his perpetually trembling middle finger and tell you to “Fuck off.” And if you made a mistake, he would raise his cane threateningly as if to strike you.
I asked Béla, “Do you have any final advice for me?”
He said to me, “No, except to be patient and keep it longer.”
He once thought I didn’t hold a beautiful shot long enough and raised his cane as if to strike my head. He wanted me to remember, after this mistake, for the rest of my life, to shoot longer, and longer still. To have patience, not to give up easily, not to call it quits too soon.
Later, patience did indeed lead to miracles, both within and beyond the frame.
Learning filmmaking from Béla was a miracle in itself, but another miracle was meeting the musician nappo in Fukushima, who profoundly changed my perspective on creation. With her music and dance, with laughter, song, companionship, and education, she nurtured the land that had once been wounded.
“Nappo,” the film I created in Fukushima, was a short documentary. Documentary is the format I resisted making for many years. But nappo made me realize that what I thought was the camera being an obstacle between me and others was actually an illusion. What hindered our communication wasn’t the camera, but my own heart.
If you’re too attached to your work, naturally, you’ll feel a barrier within yourself. But if you’re sincere in communicating with others, eager to listen to them and convey their stories, then naturally, there won’t be any barriers. Since they’ve agreed to be on camera, they’ll be willing to tell you their stories and share their emotions.
In just two weeks, I felt like I returned to the way I was when I first fell in love with filmmaking. That sense of having nothing but passion to create something, simply picking up a camera driven by emotion to discover the world and the human heart, just playing, observing, responding, and expressing.
Thank you, Béla, nappo, and all my experiences in Fukushima.
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