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3D Digital Archive Project /







3D Digital Archive Project プロフィールを表示



3D Digital Archive Projectでは、これまでにもメタボリズム建築のデジタルアーカイブや、3Dデータを活用した施策づくりに取り組んできました。 プロジェクトでは、これまで空間のデジタル記述で培ってきた3次元計測技術を活用し、デジタルアーカイブとして新たな保存手法の構築と名建築の価値を継承していくことを目指しています。



■はじめに / Introduction





本プロジェクトは、「 中銀カプセルタワービルA606プロジェクト」と協同で学術的調査を行い記録保存に取り組んでいます。

gluon is a platform that combines from planning to implementation new digital technologies with architecture and cities in order to create new value centered on architecture and cities. So far we've worked on creating 3D digital architecture archives and programs that make use of 3D data.

In this project we aim to utilize the 3D measurement technology that has developed up till now through the digital descriptions of spaces, and to use digital archives to construct a new method of preservation as well as pass on the value of famous architecture.

This record makes the data of the actual space completely 3D by using scans of the entire building based on actual measurements that combine the data of a laser scanner capable of accurately measuring distances in millimeters together with the photo data from more than 20,000 shots captured by drones and single lens reflex cameras. In addition to the 3D records of complex shapes and structures which can't be fully recorded by flat photos and drawings alone, the various architectural shapes are accurately understood and left as 3D data for future generations by recording as-is the tracks of any alterations devised by residents while living in the space, as well as changes in the building's appearance over time.

After the goal amount has been reached, the 3D point cloud data will be released free of charge on the web site as open source data, creating opportunities that will lead to new academic research and creative activities.

This project is working on record preservation by conducting academic research in cooperation with the "Nakagin Capsule Tower Building A606 Project."

■中銀カプセルタワービルについて / About Nakagin Capsule Tower Building


The Nakagin Capsule Tower Building in Ginza, Tokyo, was completed in 1972 and was designed by Kisho Kurokawa, one of Japan's leading architects. It's known worldwide as a building which embodies the idea of the "Metabolism" architectural movement that was developed by a group of architects and city planners in Japan in the 1960s.
However, the building has continued to age in the 50 years since its construction, and demolition work was planned to begin in April, 2022.


本プロジェクトで目指すこと / Goals of this project



More than 50 years have passed since the construction of the modern architecture built after the war, and we can anticipate that in the future there will be more buildings which will become difficult to maintain because of deterioration due to aging and so on.

By using modern technology, not only would we like to present alternative methods and preserve the value of buildings as archives, but we would also like to give the buildings a living existence and construct ways to use and enjoy them in digital space; ways to use them which are unique to today's era.

なぜ3Dデータで残すのか / Why preserve the building's appearance with 3D data?



In the past it was common when making a record of a building to create a 2D record using photos or drawings, but architecture is a 3D space. The sensations when you enter the building and the appearances which change depending on angles cannot be fully conveyed by photos or drawings alone. Up until now there was no choice but to record 3D objects in 2D, but now there is a wider range of options for recording media formats due to the spread of computers and the internet. Therefore, it is now possible to convey 3D spaces the way they are as 3D data.

We anticipate that opportunities for utilizing 3D data will increase with the further development of smartphones and devices, so it's become important to make the absolute most of existing technology to leave records behind.


■これまでの活動 / Past Project

3D Digital Archive Project of the Miyakonojo Civic Center


We preserved and recorded the "Miyakonojo Civic Center," designed by the architect Kiyonori Kikutake, before it was demolished. By combining laser scan measurements with more than 10,000 photos captured by drones and single lens reflex cameras, we not only recorded the shape of the building but also its texture and sense of space, and preserved this as high-definition 3D data. The data we obtained began an AR and VR rebirth of the building as a virtual building that transcends the material, and we have done various activities using it as a virtual space.

デジタル技術で生まれ変わった名建築 / Architecture metabolized by through digital technology


旧都城市民会館のARは こちらからお楽しみいただけます。

Storing this information as digital data allows for new implementations tailored to the coming age of xR. Hovering a smartphone over the area causes the civic center to be reproduced in AR (augmented reality). We released this work and were delighted to receive feedback from people about their fondness for the building, as well as comments from people overseas and those physically unable to visit.

Click here to enjoy the AR of the Miyakonojo Civic Center.


バーチャル市民会館ならではの楽しみ方 / Enjoying the virtual civic center.


VR (virtual reality) allows visitors to feel as if they are actually visiting the center. By wearing VR goggles, users can see the virtual interior of the center in 360 degrees. The photographs submitted by local residents of the center can be viewed online in the virtual space, letting people recall the valued memories they formed at the center at concerts, coming of age ceremonies, wedding receptions, and more.
The virtual implementation of the civic center transcends the limitations of mobility, going beyond space and time to enable people to access it from anywhere in the world. In this virtual space that combines virtuality and reality, communication is fostered over the Internet, and people are once again congregating at the civic center.



受賞歴 / Awards


In addition to devising a means of recording the appearance of buildings, we have triggered a paradigm shift that treats architecture as something beyond material existence and brings it into the digital domain. This project was selected as a Jury Selections in the entertainment division of the 23rd Japan Media Arts Festival.


中銀カプセルタワービルARの先行公開 / Advance release of AR



We have released the "Nakagin Capsule Tower Building AR" in advance to all our supporters so you can enjoy it on your smartphones. Please open the following page exclusively for collectors and enjoy viewing the Nakagin Capsule Tower Building. If you take some good photos, we'd love it if you posted them with the hashtag "#NakaginCapsuleTowerAR".

Nakagin Capsule Tower Building AR is here 
This page is exclusively for collectors.Please log in to view it.


■中銀カプセルタワービルVR(β版)の公開 / Release of VR(beta)



■3D Digital Archive プロジェクトメンバー / Project Member


豊田 啓介(東京大学生産技術研究所特任教授 / gluon / noiz)
金田 充弘(東京藝術大学美術学部建築科教授 / gluon / Arup)

瀬賀 未久(gluon)

船越 亮(クモノスコーポレーション)
西鼻 恵之(クモノスコーポレーション)
中井 麻友(クモノスコーポレーション)
堀越 脩仁(クモノスコーポレーション)

藤原 龍(ホロラボ)
長坂 匡幸(ホロラボ / フリーランス)
松川 元希(ホロラボ)

大隣 昭作(福岡大学工学部社会デザイン工学科)

秋田 亮平(gluon / 東京藝術大学美術学部建築科非常勤講師)


■スケジュール / Schedule


April 2022: 3D data analysis and model production begins
April 2022: Collectors-only advance release of AR
November 2022: Release of the 3D point cloud data

■想定されるリスクとチャレンジ / Risk and Challenge


Since this project is a type in which there are commitments for its execution, it's already proceeding on the premise that if the goal amount isn't reached, the plans will be realized and the return will be fulfilled by covering it at our own expense.

■クラウドファンディングで集まった資金の使い道 / How We Will Use the Funds Raised by Crowdfunding



The funds we raise will be used for data production costs, starting with the cost of the 3D measurement of the building. After reaching the goal amount we plan to publicly release the 3D point cloud data we created through crowdfunding free of charge so that it will be useful to many people.

We sincerely thank everyone for your support.


  • 3000


    • 感謝の気持ちをこめた御礼のメールをお送りします。
    • スマートフォンで楽しめる『中銀カプセルタワービルAR』を先行公開します。
    • 『中銀カプセルタワーVR』の特別エリアに入れる鍵番号
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 100人が応援しています。
  • 3000

    Thank-you email

    • Thank-you email filled with our gratitude
    • Advance release of the “Nakagin Capsule Tower AR”
    • Key number to enter the special area of VR
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 5000


    • 活動内容を紹介するオンライントークセッションへご招待します。(10月7日19:00-20:30)
    • トークセッションのアーカイブ映像をお送りします。
    • スマートフォンで楽しめる『中銀カプセルタワービルAR』を先行公開します。
    • 『中銀カプセルタワーVR』の特別エリアに入れる鍵番号
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 100人が応援しています。
  • 10000


    • 活動報告と感謝の気持ちをこめた御礼のメールをお送りします。
    • スマートフォンで楽しめる『中銀カプセルタワービルAR』を先行公開します。
    • 『中銀カプセルタワーVR』の特別エリアに入れる鍵番号
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 14人が応援しています。
  • 10000


    • Activity report and thank-you email
    • Advance release of the “Nakagin Capsule Tower AR”
    • Key number to enter the special area of VR
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 30000


    • 3Dプリンターで造形ができる建物外観の3Dデータを送付。(※データの商業利用、再配布や販売は禁止)
    • 活動報告と感謝の気持ちをこめた御礼のメールをお送りします。
    • 活動内容を紹介するオンライントークセッションへご招待します。(10月7日19:00-20:30)
    • トークセッションのアーカイブ映像をお送りします。
    • 3次元点群データを先行公開します。
    • スマートフォンで楽しめる『中銀カプセルタワービルAR』を先行公開します。
    • 『中銀カプセルタワーVR』の特別エリアに入れる鍵番号
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 14人が応援しています。
  • 30000

    Support with 3D data

    • Exterior data for 3D printer (*Personal-use only)
    • Activity report and thank-you email
    • Advance release of the 3D point cloud data.
    • Advance release of the “Nakagin Capsule Tower AR”
    • Key number to enter the special area of VR
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 50000


    • 『中銀カプセルタワーVR』で巡るバーチャル建築ツアーにご招待(2023年2月開催予定/日時選択可)
    • 『中銀カプセルタワーVR』の特別エリアに入れる鍵番号
    • スマートフォンで楽しめる『中銀カプセルタワービルAR』を先行公開します。
    • 2023年02月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 残り2枚



    • 中銀カプセルのNFTを発行します。
    • 3Dプリンターで造形ができる建物外観の3Dデータを送付。(※データの商業利用、再配布や販売は禁止)
    • スマートフォンで楽しめる『中銀カプセルタワービルAR』を先行公開します。
    • 『中銀カプセルタワーVR』の特別エリアに入れる鍵番号
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 8人が応援しています。
  • 100000

    Capsule NFT

    • Capsule NFT
    • Exterior data for 3D printer (*Personal-use only)
    • Advance release of the “Nakagin Capsule Tower AR”
    • Key number to enter the special area of VR
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 200000


    • 高密度・超高解像度の点群データを提供します。(※データの商業利用、再配布や販売は禁止いたします。)
    • 3Dプリンターで造形ができる建物外観の3Dデータを送付。(※データの商業利用、再配布や販売は禁止)
    • スマートフォンで楽しめる『中銀カプセルタワービルAR』を先行公開します。
    • 『中銀カプセルタワーVR』の特別エリアに入れる鍵番号
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。
  • 200000

    High-density, ultra-high resolution 3D point cloud data

    • 3D point cloud data(*Commercial use is prohibited)
    • Exterior data for 3D printer (*Personal-use only)
    • Advance release of the “Nakagin Capsule Tower AR”
    • Key number to enter the special area of VR
    • 2022年10月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。