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野田雅也 プロフィールを表示








What is the Photo Book + Photo Exhibition “Chronicle of a Shipbuilder" Project?




Three weeks after the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, I met a shipbuilder from the Iwate Shipyard who was collecting tools from the rubble on the shore ofAkahama, where HyotanjimaIsland is located, in Otsuchi Town, Iwate Prefecture.

He said, "That ship washed away from me. I need to get the shipyard back up and running as soon as possible.

Immediately after the earthquake, a photo of the cruise ship "Hamayuri" on the roof of a guest house became a symbol of the damage to the town of Otsuchi and spread around the world. The ship's carpenter told me that the pleasure boat was washed away by the tsunami after it had been unloaded at the dock of the shipyard.



At that time, I heard him say, "We must do the shipyard as soon as possible. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, people were searching for missing persons in coastal areas, and their voices echoed as they searched for family and friends amidst the continuing aftershocks. It was hard to imagine "rebuilding in the same place" or "living in the same area" as far as the eye could see, as houses and utility poles that had been washed away were piled on top of each other, making it difficult to set foot in the devastated area.

At the time, I thought that recovery and reconstruction were impossible.




Six months later, I visited the Iwate Shipyard, remembering the words, "I have to do it. There I saw ship carpenters dismantling a ship that had burst into flames and repairing the damaged ship by reusing steel plates and aluminum pipes that they had collected.

I began to photograph the scene, fascinated, wondering if it would really be possible to rebuild the ship.

...... and that is the prologue.

 要約すると、被災地で町に暮らしの明かりが灯る日を夢見て、船大工たちは毎日毎日、槌(ハンマー)を打ち続けました。修繕されたその船で、漁師たちはふたたび三陸の海へと漕ぎ出します。魚市場にサンマやサケが水揚げされると、豊漁への願いと供養を意味する「大槌まつり」が復活しました。「NO 祭り NO 大槌」と言うほど町民にとっては重要で、復興には不可欠です。犠牲者を弔う神輿が町跡をまわり、虎舞や獅子踊りなどの伝統的芸能も再開されました。

To summarize, the ship carpenters continued to hammer away day after day, dreaming of the day when the town would light up with the light of life in the disaster area. With their repaired boats, the fishermen once again set out for the sea of Sanriku. When saury and salmon were landed at the fish market, the "OtsuchiFestival" was held again to pray for a bountiful catch and to make offerings. The festival is so important to the townspeople that they say, "NO festival NOOtsuchi," and is indispensable for reconstruction. A mikoshi (portable shrine) to mourn the victims went around the town site, and traditional performing arts such as tiger dances and deer dances were also resumed.



Later, vending machines began to light up in the affected areas, and convenience stores and gas stations were reconstructed. People moved from evacuation shelters into temporary housing, and soon reconstruction houses and homes began to be built on raised land or on new land that had been relocated to higher ground.

The town of Otsuchiwas built over a period of 11 years, with everyone, including the ship carpenters who built a large ship from their small hands, supporting each other for the sake of someone else's tomorrow.



I have photographed the damage caused by earthquakes, nuclear accidents, and extreme weather not only in the Tohoku region but also in Kumamoto, Okayama, and Fukushima. The grief and suffering of those who have lost their families and homes is the same. It will take many years to rebuild their lives.

We would like to preserve the trajectory of this recovery in the form of photo collections and photo exhibitions, and continue to convey this information to those who have suffered and those who will live in the future. Please help us to make this project a reality.


Overview of the Photo Exhibition + Photo Book “Chronicle of a Shipbuilder”


In compiling 11 years of photographs taken in Otsuchi Town into a single volume, we wanted to preserve them as a photo book that could convey the breathing of people and the real current situation. However, due to the severe conditions surrounding the publishing industry, it has become difficult to publish a massive photo book. In addition, due to the current global situation, printing costs, such as paper and ink, are increasing, and publishers are also taking a business risk.


I asked Mr. Sachio Kawabata, the president of Shukousha, a publishing company located in my hometown in Fukuoka Prefecture, if we could conduct a crowdfunding campaign to gain broad support for the publication of a photo book that could be widely disseminated. Mr. Kawabata and I are old acquaintances, having published many books on Tibet (which I have photographed). Another reason is that he shares the same surname as Yoshio Kawabata, the chairman of Iwate Shipyard, where “Chronicle of a Shipbuilder" is set. We also asked Yuji Tamagawa of StudioKatachi, also active in Fukuoka, to design and compose the book.


The photo book is scheduled for publication in February 2023. We plan to hold a photo exhibition at the Otsuchi Cultural Exchange Center in Otsuchi the following March, so that the people ofOtsuchi can first see the photos. After that, in April, we plan to hold an exhibition at the AiDEMPhotoGallery"Sirius" in Tokyo (Shinjuku Gyoenmae). If the opportunity arises, we would like to hold the exhibition elsewhere in Japan.


(判型) B5判(182mm×257mm)
(製本)  ソフトカバー並製本
(写真点数) 250~300点
(ページ予定数) 215ページ/フルカラー(本文あり)
(発行予定日) 2023年2月

Outline of the photo book

(Format) B5 size (182mm x 257mm) 
(Binding) Softcover bound book
(Number of photographs) 250-300
(Number of pages) 215 pages / full color (with text)
(Scheduled publication date) February 2023
(Publisher) Shukousha/Sachio Kawabata
(Book binding and design) Studio Katachi/Yuji Tamagawa




Outline of the exhibition

○Otsuchi exhibition
Venue: Otsuchi Cultural Exchange Center "Oshacchi" 1st floor 
Dates: March 4 (Sat.) to 12 (Sun.), 2023 
Admission free

○Tokyo Exhibition
Venue: AiDEMPhotoGallery"Sirius"
Dates: April 13 (Thu.) to 19 (Wed.), 2023
Admission free

野田雅也プロフィール Masaya Noda Profile

 1974年福岡県生まれ、埼玉県在住。写真家・映画監督、Media Laboノダグラ代表。


Born 1974 in Fukuoka Prefecture. Lives and works in Saitama Prefecture. Photographer, film director, and representative of Media Labo Nodagra.

He spent most of his twenties wandering the world as a backpacker, and it was during his travels that he took up photography. Among others, he repeatedly visited and photographed Tibet, and began working as a photojournalist to tell the story of people living under oppressive rule. Since then, he has covered conflict zones, disaster sites, and the global environment around the world, and has published numerous photographic articles and video works in newspapers, magazines, and on television, both in Japan and abroad. His photographic works have won awards such as the National Geographic Japanese Special Award, the Mainichi Newspapers Award in the category of Hikoma Ueno Award, and the Days International Photojournalism Grand Prize and Special Award.

 東日本大震災の翌日から福島で取材を始め、飯舘村の酪農家たちを描いたドキュメンタリー映画『遺言 〜原発さえなければ』を山形国際映画祭に出品し、「ポレポレ東中野」をはじめ全国劇場にて公開しました。グリーンイメージ国際映画祭大賞、江古田映画祭グランプリなど受賞。その後、飯舘村に帰村する住民を描いた続編『サマショール 〜遺言第六章』を発表。

He began his research in Fukushima the day after the Great East Japan Earthquake, and his documentary film, "The Will: If Not for Nuclear Power Plants,"about dairy farmers in IitateVillage, was shown at the Yamagata International Film Festival and in theaters nationwide, including Polepole Higashi-Nakano. The film won the Grand Prize at the Green Image International Film Festival, the Grand Prix at the EkodaFilmFestival, and other awards. Later, he released a sequel, "Samashor:The Sixth Chapter of the Will"about the residents returning to IitateVillage.


He produced the DVDs "Homeland Tsushima" and "Memories of Tsushima" which documented the final days of Tsushima, Namie Town, a difficult return zone, using aerial drone photography, and continues to show the films in various locations (independent screenings are currently being sought!). He is also the author of two books.

 近著に『災害列島・日本』(扶桑社)、共著に『3・11 メルトダウン』(凱風社)、『TSUNAMI3・11東日本大震災記録写真集』、『戦地に生きる人びと』(集英社新書)など。

His recent publications include "Disaster Islands, Japan" (Fusosha), and co-authored "3/11 Meltdown" (Kaiwosha),"TSUNAMI 3/11 Great East Japan Earthquake RecordedPhotographs" and "People Living in the War Zone" (Shueisha Shinsho).He is a member of the Japan Visual Journalists Association (JVJA) and the Japan Professional Photographers Society (JPS).


He is involved in the management of the NPO Lung Ta Project, which conducts local support activities in Tibet and Nepal, and is currently struggling to raise his three boys, including a second son with disabilities.

○ 野田雅也 ホームページ

○ Media Laboノダグラ ホームページ

○ 映画「遺言」プロジェクト

○ ふるさと津島を映像で残す会

○ NPO法人 ルンタ・プロジェクト

How the funds will be used


Our goal is 1,600,000 yen, but the overall budget for the photo book + photo exhibition project is estimated to be 2,000,000 yen. 160,000 yen for MotionGallery's commission of 10% (20% if the goal is not reached) if the money is raised above the target amount, and 1,190,000 yen if the 250,000 yen cost of return merchandise is deducted. This will be used to cover the cost of printing the photo book, exhibition photo prints, and other necessary expenses. Any shortfall will be covered by the proceeds from the sale of the photo book and sponsorships from companies and organizations.

【プロジェクト全体予算額 200万円の内訳】

写真集印刷費 150万円
展示写真製作費(額装含む) 25万円(50点程度)
写真展会場費 15万円(2会場分)
DMやチラシやポスター印刷費 5万円
送料やその他経費 5万円

Breakdown of the overall project budget of 2,000,000 yen

1.5 million yen for printing of photo books
Production of exhibition photos (including framing) 250,000 yen (about 50 photos)
150,000 yen for exhibition venues (2 venues)
50,000 yen for printing DMs, flyers and posters
50,000 yen for shipping and other expenses



Postcard exclusively for crowdfunding supporters A special postcard showing an evening view of Akahama, where the shipyard is located, will be delivered with a thank-you letter.


A signed copy of the photo book “Chronicle of a Shipbuilder" (with signature) We will deliver the book in late February after the release of the photo book “Chronicle of a Shipbuilder".


DVD "HomelandTsushima" The last scenes of Tsushima, Namie-cho, Fukushima Prefecture, a difficult-to-return zone, recorded by drone photography and other methods, containing the last seven stories of the vanishing hometown. (Produced by the Associationfor Preserving Hometown Tsushima on Film in 2019)


Otsuchi Seafood Set (Shipped from: Domannaka Otsuchi Cooperative) "Seasonal Seafood Set" including "Otsuchi Salmon" and "Sanriku Okazu Set" produced and sold by DomannakaOtsuchi Cooperative will be delivered via cool frozen delivery.


Original photo prints (A4 size) Original photo prints will be delivered in an A4 matte-frame finish of the photo used for the cover of the photo book. (The cover photo is currently undecided.)


A framed print of your favorite photo from the exhibition will be delivered to you signed and framed (A3 size* 329 x 483 mm). You may also choose a photo from our photo collection.


Your name will be listed as "Sponsor" or "Cooperator" in the back of the book, on flyers and posters, and on display panels at the exhibition venue. Due to the printing of the photo book, we will stop accepting names in the back of the book on December 31, 2022. The deadline for flyers, posters, and display panels at the photo exhibition venue is January 31, 2022.

Potential Risks and Challenges



The crowdfunding project will be conducted on an All-In basis, which means that the full amount of support raised will be received at the time of the project, and even if the target amount is not reached, the project itself will be executed and the returns will be fulfilled, as it will be covered by profits from product sales, sponsorships, and its own expenses.

Production of the photo book has already begun with careful selection of photos, layout composition, writing, etc., with publication scheduled for February. We have already decided to hold photo exhibitions in Otsuchi and Tokyo, and are considering holding exhibitions in other locations as well.

Implementation Schedule

11月11日 クラウドファンディングのスタート
11月中旬 写真の厳選や解説などのテキスト執筆
12月上旬 出版社の編集者、制作デザイナーと共にレイアウト作成

November 11, 2022 Start of crowdfunding
Mid-November Selection of photos and writing of text for commentary, etc.
Early December Layout creation with editors and production designers at the publishing company

1月中旬 第一稿を印刷所に入稿、校正刷り
1月下旬 2回目の校正刷り、表紙カバーの校正刷り
1月31日 クラウドファンディングの終了
2月中旬 印刷および製本作業を経て、写真集が完成
2月中旬 写真集『造船記』発売
2月下旬 クラウドファンディングの支援者にリターンとして写真集を発送
3月4日〜 写真展『造船記』大槌展を開催
4月13日〜 写真展『造船記』東京展を開催

Mid-January 2023 Submit first draft to printer, proof printing
Late January Second proof printing, proof printing of cover
January 31 Crowdfunding ends
Mid-February Complete photo book after printing and binding
Mid-February Release photo book “Chronicle of a Shipbuilder"
Late February Send photo book as return for crowdfunding supporters
March 4- “Chronicle of a Shipbuilder" exhibition in Otsuchi
April 13- “Chronicle of a Shipbuilder" exhibition in Tokyo






On March 11, 2021, the 10th anniversary of the disaster, fireworks in remembrance were launched over Otsuchi Bay. The white flash of "Shirakiku," a firework to mourn the victims, illuminated the dark surface of the sea, and colorful fireworks were powerfully shot up. The children's excited voices echoed, "Wow! the excited voices of the children echoed.

The lights of the city shone brightly under the night sky, and the voices of the people were filled with joy. It was a moment when we felt that Otsuchi had returned to a town where everyone could live together. Although the Corona disaster prevented me from taking enough photographs for a number of years, I made up my mind to finish the project.

From now on, I would like to devote myself to the production and dissemination of photo books and the holding of photo exhibitions to preserve and convey the trajectory of this recovery. I am not strong enough to make the “Chronicle of a Shipbuilder" project a reality on my own. I would like to ask for your help in this endeavor.

Masaya Noda

毎日新聞 (埼玉版)2022年11月25日朝刊掲載


  • 3000


    • お礼状(郵送)1通
    • クラウド支援者専用『造船記』ポストカード1枚
    • 展示会場のサンクスボードにお名前を記載(1名)
    • 2023年03月 にお届け予定です。
    • 24人が応援しています。
  • 10000


    • お礼状(郵送)1通
    • クラウド支援者専用『造船記』ポストカード1枚
    • 展示会場のサンクスボードにお名前を記載(1名)
    • 写真集『造船記』(サイン入り)1冊
    • DVD『ふるさと津島』1枚
    • 2023年03月 にお届け予定です。
    • 68人が応援しています。
  • 30000


    • お礼状(郵送)1通
    • クラウド支援者専用『造船記』ポストカード1枚
    • 展示会場のサンクスボードにお名前を記載(1名)
    • 写真集『造船記』(サイン入り)1冊
    • DVD『ふるさと津島』1枚
    • 大槌サーモン詰め合わせセット(5000円相当)発送元:ど真ん中おおつち協同組合
    • 2023年03月 にお届け予定です。
    • 14人が応援しています。
  • 50000


    • お礼状(郵送)1通
    • クラウド支援者専用『造船記』ポストカード1枚
    • 展示会場のサンクスボードにお名前を記載(1名)
    • 写真集『造船記』(サイン入り)1冊
    • DVD『ふるさと津島』1枚
    • 「大槌海の幸セット」(8000円相当)発送元:ど真ん中おおつち協同組合
    • オリジナル写真プリント1枚
    • 2023年03月 にお届け予定です。
    • 8人が応援しています。
  • 100000


    • お礼状(郵送)1通
    • クラウド支援者専用『造船記』ポストカード1枚
    • 展示会場のサンクスボードにお名前を記載(1名)
    • 写真集『造船記』(サイン入り)1冊
    • DVD『ふるさと津島』1枚
    • 大槌海の幸セット(1万円相当)発送元:ど真ん中おおつち協同組合
    • 展示作品(額装付き)1点
    • 2023年03月 にお届け予定です。
    • 2人が応援しています。
  • 300000


    • お礼状(郵送)1通
    • クラウド支援者専用『造船記』ポストカード1枚
    • 展示会場のサンクスボードにお名前を記載(1名)
    • 写真集『造船記』(サイン入り)1冊
    • DVD『ふるさと津島』1枚
    • 大槌海の幸セット(1万円相当)発送元:ど真ん中おおつち協同組合
    • 「協賛」or「協力」としてお名前を記載(1名または1団体名・奥付けへの記載は12/31受付終了)
    • 2023年03月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。