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映画館 豊岡劇場 第3第4スクリーン開設をクラウドファンディングで実現!








石橋 秀彦 プロフィールを表示



石橋 秀彦

1969年4月生 兵庫県豊岡市の中学を卒業後、1985年に北アイルランドの高校へ留学。北アイルランド、ベルファースト市のアルスター大学で芸術を学び、マンチェスター・メトロポリタン大学・大学院FINE ART修士課程を修了。ロンドンで作家活動後、1999年に帰国。その後東京の専門学校で講師や英語教師等として勤める。2008年に、東京渋谷のユーロスペースにて、北アイルランド映画祭を主催。現在豊岡市日高町の有限会社・石橋設計の代表取締役。

  • 兵庫県
  • 起案数 3
  • 応援数 10
  • Twitter (未設定)
  • www.toyogeki.jp
  • フォロワー 35 人



プロジェクト概要 (English Version Below ↓)


 配信で映画を見る習慣がついた現在では、ミニシアター自身が、特に地方の独立系映画館が、配信事業を行うべきという考えに至りました。実在する映画館を守るべく、新しくネット上に豊岡劇場の専用スクリーンを立ち上げ、配給会社と共存していきたいと願っています。豊岡劇場・代表 石橋秀彦(2021.8月)


  • 実在するスクリーン数に付け加えて、オンライン上に劇場専門の第3・第4(増加可能性あり)スクリーンを持つ。
  • 既存の配給システムを使い、映画館・配給会社を守る。
  • 映画館が作品を選んでいるという「価値」を全国のお客様に提供し、それに対する支払いが映画館を救うというメッセージを届ける。


  • 上映作品は映画館が選ぶ
  • 基本的には全国ロードショーが終わった作品を選択
  • 原則ストリーミング配信のみ


協力: 映画館





協力: 配給会社・等






 映画製作会社 株式会社コギトワークス(映画製作)


初期運営費用 内訳 

  運営費   150万円

  宣伝広告費 150万円

  動画製作費  30万円



 ここで一つお詫びをさせてください。2014 年のクラウドファンディングの際には、劇場小ホールのコミュニティースペースの改装費にとして集めました、しかし最初の2年間の稼働率が悪く経営を圧迫し、危機的な状況になってしまったので、その用途を変えて現在では小ホールもフルに映画館として稼働しています。当初の計画の甘さが露呈してしまい、大変申し訳なく思います。












 1969年4月生。兵庫県豊岡市の中学を卒業後、1985年に15歳にて北アイルランドの高校へ留学し卒業。北アイルランド、ベルファースト市のアルスター大学で芸術を学び、イングランドのマンチェスター・メトロポリタン大学・大学院FINE ART修士課程を修了。ロンドンで作家活動後、1999年に帰国。2005年には東京の映画美学校にてドキュメンタリー高等科に1年間所属。2008年に、渋谷のユーロスペースにて、北アイルランド映画祭を主催。2011年に兵庫県豊岡市の有限会社石橋設計、代表取締役就任。2014年に豊岡劇場の代表となる。






豊岡劇場 映画館単体の売上推移表











WHAT & WHERE(なにをどこで)














2021年8月20日 クラウドファンデイングを立ち上げ

2021年10月19日 クラウドファンデイング終了

2021年10月後半 BASICでの豊岡劇場コミュニティーを立上。映画配信を開始

2021・2022年春を通して  宣伝活動/その後、参加者への報告を行う














 今回の試みは、将来のミニシアターを救う小さな一部になってくれれば幸いだと思ってます。全国のミニシアターは各自それぞれの事情を抱えていますが、コロナ禍で経営が良くなったところは少ないと想定しています。そのような中、昨年度のミニシアターエイドにおいては3億円を超える支援金が集まり、またsave our local cinemaでも多くの金額が集まりました。それらの支えにより、何とか豊岡劇場も運営を続けられています。改めて感謝の意をお伝えしたいです。


豊岡劇場 代表 石橋秀彦 2021.8月



Please note the following is the above translation for English readers. Although, you may wish to contribute to the fund, due to transporting difficulty we cannot send frozen hamburger steaks overseas. The tickets are possible to be sent overseas, please provide your address. I hope you understand and thank you for reading this.

For our independent cinema to be there, Toyooka Cinema will be launching 3rd and 4th screen.

Independent cinemas in Japan are facing crisis of surviving these days. For us to survive, we are starting a film streaming service. We wish to defend the survival of our existing theater and to coexist with the film distributors. We are aiming to collect funds we need in order to start this new streaming business. The collected funds will be used as a set-up fee, advertising fee, and fees to create short advertising movies for this service.

Our goal 3,300,000 JPY

(No matter if we hit the goal or not, all the amount collected by October 21,2021 23:59pm will be funded.)

PRESENTER Hidehiko Ishibashi Show Profile

Profile of CEO・Hidehiko Ishibashi:

Born April 1969. After graduating junior high in Toyooka, Hyogo (Japan), moves to Northern Ireland in 1985 at age of 15 and graduates from high school there. Majored in art at University of Ulster, got FINE ART master’s degree at Manchester Metropolitan University. Returns to Japan in 1999 after working as a visual artist. Took one year documentary course at The Film School of Tokyo in 2005. Organized Northern Ireland Film Festival at EUROSPACE in 2008. Becomes CEO of Ishibashi Design Co., Ltd in 2011 and the CEO of Toyooka Cinema in 2014.

About this project

Overview about the project

 In the world of post Covid19, movies played on the screen started to get streamed very easily online which led Toyooka Cinema to face its current difficulties. For the cinema to survive, we (a local cinema) propose an online service that is well-fitted to the new normal lifestyle.

 Our habit of watching movies by streaming recently urged us to think that independent cinemas, especially those ones in regional areas, need to start the streaming service by itself. This is to help the actual cinema to exist in real life, and we wish to coexist with the film distributors. We are to launch online-screen exclusive for Toyooka Cinema.

Toyooka Cinema CEO Hidehiko Ishibashi (August 2021)


Adding to the screens in real-life theater, we are launching 3rd and 4th screen through online system exclusive for Toyooka Cinema (there is a possibility of increasing online screens later).

By using existing film distributing system, we will protect both the cinemas and the film distributors.

Will provide the customer “a value” of selected films shown and send them a message telling how their financial aid will help us.

Basic Policy

  • The cinema will select the films to go on air
  • We will basically select films which are finished with country-wide roadshow
  • Only streaming in principle

Partnership(at present time)

Cooperation: EUROSPACE(Cinema・Tokyo)

   Cine Nouveau(Cinema・Osaka)


   UZUMASA(Film distribution・Tokyo)

   PANDORA(Film distribution・Tokyo)

   sleepin'(Film distribution・Tokyo)

           Espace Sarou (Film distribution・Tokyo)

Our goal of the fund

Breakdown of initial operating costs

  Operating Cost  1,500,000 JPY

  Advertising Cost 1,500,000 JPY

  Video Production Cost  300,000 JPY

Message from the organizer

 My name is Hidehiko Ishibashi, CEO of Toyooka Cinema. I would like to start with a warm gratitude for many supports during the crowdfunding in 2014 where we started the project to regenerate our theater. Due to the ongoing cooperation and support, we are being able to run the theater for 7 years. We have also received one partial of the fund collected through the independent cinema aid (run by a group of film directors and fans), which was held last year. I would like to thank each and one of the supporters and everyone whose involved.

 At this moment, please let me apologize one thing regarding our small hall. Our original goal for the crowdfunding in 2014, was to reorganize the hall to become as a community space, however we struggled with the rate of operation for the first 2 years, which made us to suffer with the management leading us to change the usage of the hall as a movie theater itself, not as a community space. We apologize once again about our plan being too optimistic.

 Even in the rural areas, I see movie theaters as an important part of a town’s infrastructure. That is the reason why we should keep our operation going. At the same time, I wish our country and local administrations to approve movie theaters as important cultural properties, and financially aid us. But that is something not happening at this instant in which we, as private enterprise, need to expand our field of business actions to keep searching for new source of income. Currently we are applying for many subsidiary aids but don’t always get approved. I do also believe that if we entirely depend on subsidiary aids, that will stop the growth of our businesses.

 After running for 85 years, the former Toyooka Cinema had once closed in 2012. Then our company, Ishibashi Design Co., Ltd has bought the theater to get it restored in 2014 and since, we have been managing for 7 years till today. It has always been a rough managing situation, although the support by regional customers and fans who loves independent cinema kept us going. Currently, we are playing about 4 movies a day on both big and small halls. Since we are the only movie theater around this area, we plan to have variety of wise programs which lead young kids to come and watch films during their summer/winter vacation. However, the situation is getting harsher due to the influence of Covid19.

 The thought of “not wanting to live in a town without a cinema” made us to manage the operation desperately, however, we feel that we are forced to take new actions that is suited to the new-normal.

History of Toyooka Cinema

From upper left clockwise: Group picture of an acting class in Toyooka High school, around 1950 / In front of the poster of a film “Oklahoma!”, after World War II / Right before the closure of previous Toyooka Cinema / Mr. Yamasaki, previous manager・Mr. Fujiwara, previous projectionist

From upper left clockwise: Big hall / Small hall/ Lobby / Projection room

From upper left clockwise: Regional exchange meeting / Film “Mirai wo Nazoru (Tracing the Future)” (Produced by Toyooka Cinema) / Comment on film “Finding Dory”/ Cinecul (cinema & culture) talk live @ EUROSPACE

 I assume some of you may have a doubt regarding a movie theater to start streaming service. If the streaming service gets more majority than the theater in real life, is there a meaning of the theater to keep operating? Here is my thought. To protect the theater to survive, independent cinema must create a situation where both the theater and streaming service can coexist.

 Since there are numbers of subscription choices where you may choose from amount of only ¥600 to ¥800 per month for thousands of films, we understand that our idea of streaming might not be welcomed by some. However, we would like to kindly ask you to make the choice to financially aid us which will lead to the continuance of our cinema. And I sincerely hope this possibility might help other independent cinemas all around the country. We also think that this streaming service will deliver independent films to those who didn’t ever got a chance to watch in their areas.

 Independent cinemas actually “choose” films for customers to watch according to its historical and locational background. By sharing this value of choosing, we wish movie fans to kindly support our cinema through getting subscribed to the BASIC platform, a streaming platform created by MotionGallery Inc. We wish this attempt will expand to other independent cinemas, not just Toyooka Cinema. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


 Due to the influence of ongoing Covid19, the situation has drastically changed in film industry. Of all the changes, the biggest impact was the speed of how the streaming service evolved. It has only been some decades ago where people had to go to movie theaters in order to watch a film, but what about now? They can easily access to latest films even from their home.

 People’s lack in interest for movie theaters has always been a distress in recent decades. Especially for independent cinemas, where in post Covid19, it is obvious that the management situation will get worse very quickly soon if not already. We are very much influenced by the pandemic, and constantly thinking about closing the theater. In the world of post Covid19, my prediction on sales is that we will continuously have less than 70% compared to a year where we had the best sales.

 This is our 7th year since we revived in 2014, had steady increase in the number of customers, however our sales never became a plus only with the theater business alone. Toyooka Cinema is run by Ishibashi Design Co., Ltd which also takes management in real estate and restaurant business, getting its compensation from these 2 businesses. On the other hand, managing the theater business brought us splendid relationships with many people, giving positive energy to the company.

 Even under a situation like above, we have a feeling of wanting to continue with the cinema business. We thought the best way to get along with the streaming service was to start the same service also by ourselves, hoping to compensate lost sales. This is the main reason why we are doing crowdfunding.

Toyooka Cinema sales chart *only in cinema business


 The manager and program organizer selects and purchases the film from film distributors in order to put on their screen. This is the core system in independent cinemas in Japan and this action of “selecting” is somewhat most valuable part that a theater play.

 Each cinemas do the actual selection according to the number of screens they own and schedule the films by season and period. What we are planning to do is to slide this simple structure right on internet, creating online-screen exclusive for the theaters in real life.

 We currently have 2 screens at Toyooka Cinema and wish for fans to come visit once from all over the country. However, on the bottom line, movie theaters are there for those who lives around that area. Logistics and transportation systems are evolving recently that the disparity between what people consumes is getting eliminated, but there are still many differences between the city and rural areas. Living in a city where you can access different kinds of shops and overloaded information might make you feel superior, on the other hand, it is quite difficult to reach information you need in rural areas, which we think watching latest film on screen is one of the superiorities a city has.

 Being in a position to manage the theater, streaming service was just a simple threat when it started to expand throughout the world, however, thinking about the new-normal lifestyle, we saw a slight hope of possibility to bring the real-life theater and streaming service to exist in the same place. In order to implement, we came to an idea of delivering films online by ourselves.

 We, Toyooka Cinema, will launch 3rd and 4th screen online. You will be invited to a virtual atmosphere as part of the Toyooka Cinema and enjoy watching films just the same way as you do in real-life theater. If this project gets on track, we are thinking of opening newer screen.

 We are hoping to collect funds to use as promoting and creating short advertising movies through this crowdfunding. Having to make this project stand out through all the other streaming services, we need certain amount of promotion and that is the main usage of this fund. The fund will also be used to create an introduction movie about our theater.

 Being as a private enterprise in rural region, we, Ishibashi Design Co., Ltd, do not have enough fund at this moment so we kindly want to ask for your cooperation.

 Through this crowdfunding, we are hoping to share the concept of a movie theater doing the streaming service and if this idea expands to other independent cinemas, we take that as a success of this entire project.

 There are similar attempts if you look at the situation world wise. For many of you to know about this project, we are sharing its content in Japanese/English.


We will use MotionGallery BASIC as our streaming platform where it will become as a community for Toyooka Cinema. By creating subscription on this platform, you may watch 1 film/¥1,200 per month.


Please check our website first!


We currently have one big hall and one small hall at Toyogeki Theater and are planning to create 3rd and 4thscreen online. At first, we will play the program for the limited period for 1 month and will repeat the same process so on.

To watch 1 film, ¥1,200/month

To watch 2 films, ¥2,400/month

During the one-month period, you can watch the film once within 48 hours limit. Please beware that this is a subscription service so you will automatically get charged each month. If you prefer to change the course, you must cancel the contract and change after that.

If you did not have time to watch during the period, your subscription fee will become as management fee for Toyooka Cinema. We appreciate your understanding.

Possible Risks and Challenges

Biggest risk is the continuance of the theater. We are facing severe business consequences due to the impact brought by Covid19. If we couldn’t keep the theater to continue its operation, we have a doubt of continuing this new streaming project. We have a secured fund for the time being, but we may have to ask further banking loans, which leads to a severer situation. We have also applied for a business restructuring subsidy by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and AFF(Arts for the future fund) subsidy by Agency for Cultural Affairs got recently rejected. We will keep our effort to apply but are facing disappointing result.

 To be honest, we are slightly concerned about this service not being able to get understanding and supported by you. We need to keep supplying films to get streamed online and to get a continuous support from the film distributors. Those are other concerns we have. However, we believe that it is very much worth a try. We already got cooperation from 2 agencies and I as CEO will oversee this project from now on.

 We will continue with this crowdfunding for 2 months as its maximum period and will launch the community space for Toyogeki Theater on MotionGallery BASIC platform.

August 20, 2021, Launch crowdfunding

October 19, 2021, Close crowdfunding

Late October 2021, Launch community space for Toyooka Cinema on the BASIC and start film streaming service.

2021-2022 spring, Promotion period / Report the result to anyone who got involved in the project.

 If the fund exceeds the goal, we would appreciate to use it as a management fee for Toyooka Cinema. On the other hand, if other independent cinemas wish to start the same service as us, we are more than welcome to share our know-hows and if we are financially healthy at the time, we wish to use the fund for promoting together.

Last Words

 I hope this attempt will become a small chance to save independent cinemas in the future. Independent cinemas around the country carries its own concerns and I am assuming that most of their management got damaged by Covid19. Still, even in a situation like this, we got more than 300 million yens in independent cinema aid last year and many funds were collected thru ‘save our local cinema.’ Toyooka Cinema is still in operation because of these supports we received, and I, once again, want to express my gratitude.

 The pricing of our subscription service is setup a bit high knowing that it will put a strain on you. However, I deeply appreciate if you would understand the situation, we as a private enterprise, are situated in and watch over us for further development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Toyooka Cinema CEO Hidehiko Ishibashi August 2021


  • 残り156枚



    • コレクター限定の進捗報告をメールにて共有致します
    • 劇場内ドリンク券1枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店のドリンク券1枚(300円相当)
    • HPにお名前掲載
    • 2021年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 44人が応援しています。
  • 残り142枚


    チケット&ハンバーグ 1.1

    • コレクター限定の進捗報告をメールにて共有致します
    • 劇場内ドリンク券1枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店のドリンク券1枚(300円相当)
    • HPにお名前掲載
    • 劇場鑑賞チケット1枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店食事券(1600円相当・釣返金無)1枚
    • 2021年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 58人が応援しています。
  • 残り37枚


    チケット&ハンバーグ 1.1.2

    • コレクター限定の進捗報告をメールにて共有致します
    • 劇場内ドリンク券1枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店のドリンク券1枚(300円相当)
    • HPにお名前掲載
    • 劇場鑑賞チケット1枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店食事券(1600円相当・釣返金無)1枚
    • ハンバーグのビアドリット(劇場内飲食店)の冷凍ハンバーグ2個
    • 2021年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 63人が応援しています。
  • 残り44枚


    チケット&ハンバーグ 2.2.6

    • コレクター限定の進捗報告をメールにて共有致します
    • 劇場内ドリンク券2枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店のドリンク券2枚
    • 劇場鑑賞チケット2枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店食事券(1600円分・釣返金無)2枚
    • HPにお名前掲載
    • ハンバーグのビアドリット(劇場内飲食店)の冷凍ハンバーグ6個
    • 2021年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 6人が応援しています。
  • 残り19枚


    チケット&ハンバーグ 3.3.10

    • コレクター限定の進捗報告をメールにて共有致します
    • 劇場内ドリンク券3枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店のドリンク券3枚
    • 劇場鑑賞チケット3枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店食事券(1600円分・釣返金無)3枚
    • ハンバーグのビアドリット(劇場内飲食店)の冷凍ハンバーグ10個
    • HP記載・劇場内にお名前プレートの掲示
    • 2021年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 11人が応援しています。
  • 残り18枚


    チケット&ハンバーグ 10.10.10

    • コレクター限定の進捗報告をメールにて共有致します
    • 劇場内ドリンク券10枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店のドリンク券10枚
    • 劇場鑑賞チケット10枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店食事券(1600円分・釣返金無)10枚
    • ハンバーグのビアドリット(劇場内飲食店)の冷凍ハンバーグ10個
    • HP記載・劇場内にお名前プレートの掲示
    • 2021年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 2人が応援しています。
  • 残り7枚


    チケット&ハンバーグ 20.20.10x2

    • コレクター限定の進捗報告をメールにて共有致します
    • 劇場内ドリンク券20枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店のドリンク券20枚
    • 劇場鑑賞チケット20枚か、ハンバーグのビアドリット大阪中崎町店食事券(1600円分・釣返金無)20枚
    • ハンバーグのビアドリットの冷凍ハンバーグ(劇場内飲食店)10個x2ヶ月間
    • HP記載・劇場内にお名前プレートの掲示
    • 2021年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 3人が応援しています。