世界4都市のアーティストが共演する初のロック・フェス・オンライン【PROG FEST Online】をクラウドファンディングで実現!
「ライヴができないから配信するんじゃなくて、オンラインじゃないとできないことをやりたいんだ。」 ウィズコロナの時代でも、ポストコロナの時代がきても、空間でなく時間を共有するライヴイベントには 既成概念を超越するポテンシャルがあります。 私たちは ◎海外アーティストのチケットを購入しやすい価格にする ◎世界中の無名の素晴らしいアーティストを紹介する ◎国内外の観客が 其々好きな場所で視聴参加できる ◎どの国のアーティストもお気に入りの場所で演奏できる・・というボーダーレスなフェスの仕組みをつくり、次世代アーティストのお役に立ちたい、プログレ•フェス•オンライン実行委員会です。(代表:蓮沼 肇)
初開催の今回は、東京を本会場に70年代プログレッシヴ・ロックのDNAを受け継いだ4組のアーティストが、イタリア、スウェーデン、東京から参加します。混沌とした時代から新たな時代へ、ダーク・ファンタジーの担い手たちがオンラインで音楽の新しい試みに挑戦ます!! 是非応援してください。2020年12月19日18:00に配信を開始します。
For this inaugural event, Tokyo is the home venue for four artists from Italy, Sweden, and Tokyo who carry on the DNA of progressive rock from the 70s. From a chaotic era to a new one, these dark fantasy bearers will take on a new approach to music online! We hope you'll support them, and we'll make it available on December 19, 2020, at 6:00 p.m
◉I have been involved in the planning of inviting foreign artists to relatively large venues. What I've found is that no matter how much great music you keep making, it's impossible to bring a lesser-known artist to Japan. For example, in order to make it work as a business, you have to sell tickets and merchandise in a way that covers the artist's travel and living expenses, as well as a guarantee for them. As a result, those expenses are reflected in the price of the ticket. Even if they do get those tickets, fans in other cities have to be prepared to incur additional transportation costs to get to a concert that is held in a limited number of major cities. In recent years, this has led to a rut of concerts in which artists who can attract a certain amount of audience visit Japan repeatedly. If this continues, fans will naturally leave and good music will never take root in this country. What should we do?
◉That's when we came up with the idea of distribution. With distribution, you can introduce great bands from all over the world to Japan without having to invite the artists you want to invite and introduce to your fans in Japan. No, we can deliver music to fans not only in Japan but all over the world who want to hear the music of new and great artists. Music festivals, which were originally popular overseas, are already becoming a tradition in Japan today. But unfortunately, it's not the artists that we want to see.
◉配信ライヴ、それも複数のアーティストのライヴを配信することは容易ではありません。それぞれの国によって通信のインフラが異なっているからです。ただし、日本側にある通信機器に、それと相性の良いインターフェースを繋いでもらうことができれば、スムーズな動画配信に加え、画像切り替えを日本側ですることができることが判明しました。そこで我々が指定した機種を、海外のアーティストのライヴ会場、およびスタジオにセットしてもらうことにしました。これを行なうことによって、ライヴによる中継が安定して供給することができるという状況まで持ってくることができました。その過程でオンライン・フェスに参加してくれるアーティストを探しました。結果、時期的なこと、配信環境、そしてこのアイデアに賛同してくれるアーティスト4組が集まりました。彼らはプログレッシヴ・ロックにカテゴライズされるアーティストで、そのサウンドはどれも叙情的かつ寓話性に溢れに溢れ、配信でライヴを楽しむためにはうってつけのバンドばかりです。 そして、彼らとの話し合いが進み、2020年12月19日土曜日日本時間18:00pm(セントラル・ヨーロピアン・タイム 10:00am)に東京の某レコーデイング・スタジオを主会場に、イタリア(ジェノヴァ、シシリア)、スウェーデン(ストックホルム)、日本(東京)という3つの国、4つの都市を結んだ配信の音楽フェスを開催することになりました。 もちろん初めての試みであるが故に予想もしなかった色々な障害があることと思います。けれどもこの試みを通して世界のどこでも演れる、どこでも聴き、見ることができるボーダレスな音楽フェスの仕組みを作る一歩になれたらと考えています。
◉It's not easy to distribute a live show, even for multiple artists. This is because each country has a different communication infrastructure. However, we found that if we could get the communication devices in Japan to connect to a compatible interface, it would be possible to have smooth video streaming as well as image switching from the Japanese side. So we asked them to set up their own equipment at the overseas artists' live shows and studios. By doing this, we were able to get to the point where we could provide a stable supply of live broadcasts. In the process, we sought out artists who would be willing to participate in the online festival. The result was a combination of timing, the streaming environment, and four artists who agreed with the idea. These artists fall into the progressive rock category, and their sounds are lyrical and allegorical in nature, making them the perfect choice for live delivery. Discussions with them progressed, and on Saturday, December 19, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. Japan time (10:00 a.m. Central European Time), at a certain recording studio in Tokyo, Italy (Genoa and Sicily), Sweden (Stockholm), Japan (Tokyo) The festival will be a music festival for streaming that will connect three countries and four cities. Of course, since this is our first attempt, there will be many unexpected obstacles. However, through this experiment, we hope to be the first step in creating a system of a borderless music festival that can be performed, heard, and seen anywhere in the world.
■Your support will help us fund studio costs in cities around the world, artist honorariums, cameramen and engineers, and the equipment needed for global streaming. And behind that, the cost of checking different laws in different countries. With this festival, we want to experiment with new ways of enjoying music, and that is an opportunity not to be missed.
The first-anniversary thank-you-letter (data). We will send you a beautifully designed thank you note via email to thank you for your support.
This is a sample. The photo is a temporary one. It is a reproduction but signed by the artist
★プログレ・フェス・オンライン 12月19日(土)オンラインチケット1枚
One online ticket to Prog Fest Online Saturday, December 19. Cannot be exchanged or exchanged for money.
Original inaugural event T-shirt. The first 100 names of the first 100 supporters will be printed on an original design t-shirt (free size).
T-shirt design is subject to change.
To commemorate this inaugural event, we will print the first 100 names of the first 100 supporters on an original t-shirt. Please join us in having your name printed along with 99 other supporters who share your passion and support!
■Depending on the circumstances of the countries where the artists participating in this event live, there may be a risk of them being infected with Covid-19. Also, there are many differences in the communication conditions for streaming from Japan. Enjoy watching this event as a participant sitting in a chair backstage with us, not from the audience, but as one of the people involved.
■Tickets for this inaugural international project will also be available separately, in addition to the crowdfunding fundraiser. The online festival, which will be held in four cities around the world, allows audiences to share space and is an experiment in a new way of enjoying music that has never seemed possible before. We took on this online festival as a challenge to encourage not only the many progressive rock fans but also those who are wondering what prog rock is all about, to attend and learn more about it. And rather than being witnesses or funders of this challenge, we would rather have you on our side as a party to this challenge, creating a new stream of music with us. We would love to have you help us cover some of the costs of production. Thank you very much for your support.
アーティスト・ギャランティ: 400,000円
通品機器購入及びレンタル費: 200,000円
エンジニア/カメラマン・ギャランティ: 250,000円
設備費/プロモーション費: 150,000円
■Breakdown of the 1,000,000 yen we would like to receive
Artist guarantee: 400,000 yen
Cost of purchasing and renting common equipment: 200,000 yen
Engineer/cameraman guarantee: 250,000 yen
Facilities/Promotional expenses: 150,000 yen
■Anekdoten is a group from Sweden that debuted in 1994. With their mellotron-driven, dark and heavy sound they have been hailed as the King Crimson of Scandinavia. Their contribution has been so significant that if they hadn't appeared on the scene, there might not even be a progressive rock scene continuing until today.
La Maschera di Cera(ラ・マスケラ・ディ・チェッラ)
■La Maschera di Cera is the most accomplished band in the current Italian progressive rock scene. The fragile but beautiful melodies that hide in their dark and heavy sound make them the rightful heirs to the Italian rock bands of the 70s.
■Homunculus Res, who debuted in 2013, are not yet well known to so many people. However, their intricate arrangements and advanced techniques are reminiscent of Piccio Dal Pozzo (Italy) and Hatfield & The North (UK). Their avant-pop Canterbury sound is a remarkable and highly anticipated one.
Anna Hardy & The Lunatic Spells(アンナ・アルディ&ザ・ルナティック・スペルズ)
◉かつてこれほど美しく、破壊的な音楽を奏でるアーティストがいただろうか。MIZUKI da Fantasiaの美貌のピアニスト、アンナ・アルディにはその言葉がよく似合う。クラシック音楽出身で現代音楽の作曲家でもある彼女が強力なミュージシャンを率い、本格的なプログレッシヴ・ロックを聴かせてくれる。
■Never before has there been such beautiful, subversive music, and that's a good description for the beautiful pianist Anna Hardy of MIZUKI da Fantasia. A classical musician and contemporary composer, she leads a strong group of musicians in a full-blown progressive rock show.
21世紀に入りフィジカル (レコード/CD)からデジタル(配信 ダウンロード ストリーミン グ )へと その流通形態を変貌させていた最中におけるコロナ・ウィルスの流行は 音楽の形態だけではなく そのもっともダイナミックな魅力の一つであるライヴ 生演奏のあり方さえも急変させようとしている。しかし、その要因は コロナ禍のみに帰すものではなく、広い視点で考えれば、音楽が次世代の形態 あるいは表現方法を模索している過程で コロナウィルスが世界を襲った と考えるベきだとも言える。つまり ここに提案するライヴ演奏における《新しい音楽のあり方》は、訪れるべくして訪れた一つの形であり 悲観的な状況から脱却するための 刹那的、短絡的な一策ではない。 今回初めて挑戦する、オンラインを使ったオムニバス形式のコンサートは いずれ、そして近い将来 必ず訪れる音楽の伝搬を象徴する、最新のイディオム と言っても間違いではないだろう。そして、その第1回は、21世紀のプログレッシヴ•ロックの担い手4組による プログレ•フェス•オンライン。それでは日本と世界を同時中継して開催する 音楽フェスの栄えある出演者を紹介しよう。
イタリアから参戦する ホムンクルス•レスは 2013年にアルバム『部分と全体の均等化の範囲』でデビューを飾った6人編成のグループ。アヴァン•ポップという不思議な言葉がとてもよく似合うサウンドは、同じイタリア出身のベテラン•グループ、ピッキオ•ダルポッツォや テクニカルな演奏で人気の新鋭YUGEN、さらに英カンタベリー系の雄、ハットフィールド•アンド• ザ•ノースとも比較される。軽快なビートと緻密なアンサンブルは 時にR.I.O.(Rock In Opposition/反対派ロック)にも通じるという掴みどころのなさはあるものの、アルバムに収められた質の高いプログレッシヴ•ロックは近年登場したバンドの中でも特に注目に値する仕上がりを見せている。ホムンクルス•レスは この夏発表したばかりの 通算で4作目にあたるアルバム『Andiamo in Giro di Notte E Ci Consumiamo Nel Fuoco(夜中歩き回って火事に 遭う)』でも さらに進化したサウンドを聴かせてくれているだけに、今回のフェスヘのエントリー は 非常に楽しみだ。日本ではまだ多くのリスナーに知られていない彼らだが、期待値を超える演奏を披露してくれれば その人気に火がつく可能性は十分考えられる。そして、もう1組同じイタリアから参戦するグループがいる。それが2000年代のイタリアン•ロックを語る上では欠かすことができない重要人物、ファビオ•ツファンティ(フィニステッレ ホストソナーテン)擁するラ•マスケラ•ディ•チェッラだ(以下マスケラ)。
マスケラも この秋 実に7年ぶりとなる新作『S.E.I』(通算7枚目)を発表したばかりだが、その内容はあまりにも素晴らしく、7年待った甲斐があったというもの。実にイタリアらしい旋律と ダークなヘヴィシンフォニック•サウンドは 70年代イタリアン•ロックの輝きを現在に蘇らせただけではなく、アップデートしたその高度な音楽性には 往年のイタリアン•プログレッシヴ•ロ ック•ファンも納得せざるを得ない。かつて来日の機を逃したことのある彼らだけに、今回こそはその勇姿を日本のファンに見せたいところだろう。ファビオ•ツファンティ(b)、アレッサンドロ •コルヴァッリャ(vo, g)、アゴスティーノ•マコル(key)のバンドの基本となる3人は変わらずだ が、アルバム制作に参加したデリリウムのマーティン•グライス(fl, sax)とムゼオ•ローゼンバッハの血を継ぐバンド、イル•テンピオ•デッレ•クレシドレのパオロ•テキシ(ds)がマスケラに合流するかどうかは現時点では不明。とはいえ間違いなくハイ•ヴォルテージなステージを期待できるマスケラのライヴが観られることに感謝したい。
日本からも1組がプログレ•フェス•オンラインに参戦する。2017年に彗星の如く現れ、次々とベストセラー作品を発表したバンド、MIZUKI da FantasiaのMizuki(vo)と二枚看板の美貌のピアニスト、アンナ•アルディ率いる アンナ•アルディ&ザ•ルナティック•スペルズだ。アンナもまた11月にデビュー作『Lunatic Spells〜月の呪文 あるいは狂人の呟き』をリリースし、 本格的なソロ活動をスタートさせるが、クラシックのピアニスト オルガニストであり、現代音楽の作曲家でもある彼女が臨んだプログレッシヴ•ロック•アルバムのクオリティは海外組に決して劣ることはない。むしろ、日本の音楽シーンを支えてきたメンバーによるダイナミックで正確な演奏は、世界中のプログレ•ファンを驚嘆させることは必至だ。美しきピアニストのドラマティ ックなサウンドに酔いしれるファンの顔が目に浮かぶようだ。 最後に紹介するのは、北欧のキング•クリムゾン、アネクドテン。 90年代中期に彼らが登場していなかったら、プログレッシヴ•ロックの冬の時代はまだ続いていたかもしれない。現在に至るプログレッシヴ•ロックの最大の貢献者でもある彼らが、どのようにしてこのオンライン•フ ェスをメロトロン•サウンドで満たしてくれるかは、ファンにとっては気になるところだろう。彼らもまた、この夏からこれまでリリースしてきた作品のリマスター版をリイシューしている最中で 、まさにタイムリーな登場と言える。デビューから変わらぬダークでヘヴィなベース•サウンドと、美しいメロディを奏でるメロトロンの融合は、WEBを通じてオーディエンスを北欧の美しく深い森に導いてくれるはずだ。パンデミックの時代は人間の知恵が試される時でもあり、現況の 様々なリモートは、パラダイムシフトさえ引き起こす可能性もあり得る。だから、今こそ革新的 で前衛的な音楽=プログレッシヴ•ロックとそれを体験するためのユビキタスなオンライン•フェ スが必要なのかもしれないと思えてくる。今年の12月19日(土)の夜は、みんなでプログレ•フ ェス•オンラインを楽しもう!!
岩本晃市郎(PROG FEST Onlineプロデューサー)
At the beginning of the 21st century, when the form of distribution was changing from physical (records/CDs) to digital (download streaming), the coronavirus epidemic was threatening to drastically change not only the form of music but also one of its most dynamic attractions, the way of live performance. However, that factor cannot be attributed solely to the corona disaster. From a broader perspective, however, it can be said that the coronavirus attacked the world in the process of searching for the next generation of forms or methods of expression in music. That is to say, the "new way of the music" in live performance proposed here is a form of music that was bound to arrive, and is not a temporary or short-sighted measure to get rid of the pessimistic situation. It would not be wrong to say that this first online omnibus concert is the latest idiom that symbolizes the transmission of music, which is coming sooner or later, and will surely come in the near future. And the first one is the Progressive Rock Festival Online by four groups who are the leaders of progressive rock in the 21st century. Let's introduce the prestigious performers of the music festival that will be held simultaneously in Japan and the world.
Homunculus-less from Italy is a six-piece group that made its debut in 2013 with the album "The scope of equalization of parts and whole". The sound of the mysterious word "avant-pop" fits very well with the veteran group from Italy, Piccio d'Arpozzo, and the newcomer YUGEN, popular for their technical performances, as well as the Canterbury-based group from England. The band has been compared to Hatfield and the North, a group that has also been compared to the greats Hatfield and the North. Despite the elusive nature of the band's lilting beats and elaborate ensembles, which at times sound like R.I.O. (Rock In Opposition), the quality of progressive rock on the album makes it one of the most noteworthy bands to have emerged on the scene in recent years. The result is worth it. The homunculus-less album, "Andiamo in Giro di Notte E Ci Consumiamo Nel Fuoco" (Andiamo in Giro di Notte E Ci Consumiamo Nel Fuoco), released this summer, is yet another example of how the band's sound has evolved over the years. I'm very much looking forward to their entry to the festival. They may not be well known to many listeners in Japan, but if their performance exceeds expectations, they may well be able to ignite their popularity. And there is another group from Italy that is also participating in the competition. This is La Maschera di Cera with Fabio Tufanti (Finisterre host sonar ten), an important figure in the Italian rock scene in the 2000s. -Cella (hereafter Masquerra).
The contents of the new album "S.E.I." (the 7th album in total), the first one in 7 years, is so wonderful that the 7 years of waiting was worth it. The melodies and dark, heavy symphonic sound are not only a revival of the brilliance of Italian rock in the '70s but also an update of the high musical quality of the band's music, which is very much like the Italians of the past. Progressive rock fans can't help but agree. As they have missed out on a visit to Japan in the past, this is the time to show their bravery to the Japanese fans. Fabio Tufanti(b), Alessandro Corvallia(vo, g) and Agostino Macol(key), the basic three members of the band remain the same, but Delirium's Paolo by Il Tempio Delle Crestidore, a band in the blood of Martin Grice (fl, sax) and Museo Rosenbach -It is not known at this point if Texi(ds) will join Masquerra or not. Nevertheless, we'd like to thank Masquerra for the opportunity to see them live, which will undoubtedly be a high voltage stage.
One group from Japan will be joining the prog-rock festival online: Mizuki (vo) of MIZUKI da Fantasia, a band that appeared like a comet in 2017 and released a series of best-selling albums, and the beautiful pianist, the duo's two mainstays. Anna Aldi, led by Anna Aldi & The Lunatic Spells. Anna also released her debut album "Lunatic Spells" in November, and started a full-fledged solo career, but the classical pianist, organist, and contemporary music composer also had a progressive The quality of the rock album is never inferior to that of the foreign group. Rather, the dynamic and precise performances by the members of the Japanese music scene are sure to astound progressive rock fans around the world. I can just imagine the faces of the fans who are intoxicated by the dramatic sound of this beautiful pianist. Finally, we have Scandinavian king crimson, Anekdoteen. Had they not appeared on the scene in the mid-90s, the winter era of progressive rock might still be in full swing. As one of the biggest contributors to progressive rock to date, it will be interesting for fans to see how they will fill this online festival with the Mellotron sound. They're also in the midst of reissuing remastered versions of their previous releases from this summer, so it's a very timely arrival. Their dark and heavy bass sound and beautiful mellotron melodies are sure to lead audiences through the web to the beautiful and deep forests of Northern Europe. The age of pandemics is a time when human wisdom is being tested, and the various remotenesses of today's world could even cause a paradigm shift. Therefore, it seems to me that innovative and avant-garde music - progressive rock - and the ubiquitous online festival to experience it may be necessary now. On Saturday night, December 19 this year, let's all enjoy the Progressive Festival Online!
Qoichiro Iwamoto (Producer, PROG FEST Online)
Producer: Quoichiro Iwamoto Born in Tokyo in 1958, he was the editor-in-chief of the monthly music magazine Strange Days from 1998 to 2016, and since 2010 he has been working as a songwriter and composer, as well as a navigator and commentator for NHK-FM. He has been involved in the production of many CDs as a producer, including those of artists who have released on his own label. He is currently working on the CD and live production of pianist and contemporary musician Anna Ardi. He is also working on an expanded and revised edition of ROCK DECADE TIME MACHINE 1967-1976. Director & Coordinator: Michael Bjorn Born in 1964 in Malmo, Sweden. After studying at the University of Tsukuba in Japan and working for Ericsson, he worked as a professor of marketing at the prestigious Lund University in Sweden. He has a deep knowledge of progressive rock and psychedelic pop and has done artist interviews and CD reviews for music magazines. In addition to his native tongue, he speaks Japanese, English, and German. Chairman of PROG FEST Online Executive Committee: Hajime Hasunuma Born in Tokyo in 1958. In his youth, he spent his time doing judo and traveling on ocean-going vessels, but he also has a literary side that loves the theater. After graduating from university, he worked for a newspaper company and a famous advertising agency before establishing “sounds good LLC“, of which he is the president. He is currently active in a wide range of fields, making the most of his career to date. |
Thank you for reading to the end.
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