vol. 6 2024-01-21 0
目標額の250万円まで、あと100万円の地点まで来ました! 通常はラストスパート前に支援がいったん落ち着くというクラウドファンディングのセオリーに反して、途切れなく支援が続く状態はミラクルです
[UPDATE] Thank you. We are now 1,000,000 yen away from our goal!
We are now at 1,000,000 yen to reach our goal of 2,500,000 yen! Contrary to the crowdfunding theory that support usually settles down before the last spurt, the uninterrupted support is a miracle!
We are grateful that there are so many people who love, care, and nurture Eurythmy, and we would like to thank all of you again for your support.
Tomorrow, the members of Eurythmy will be practicing again. With your support as a great encouragement, we will continue to refine our work.
Please continue to help us spread the "good vibes!