身近なところにお気に入りの写真や絵画、イラストがあれば、私たちの暮らしはもっとイキイキと豊かなものになってきます。それが本というカタチであれば、どこででも楽しめ、誰かに手渡して感動を共有することも簡単です。 出版や印刷文化を未来に継ぐために、作家や装丁家といった作り手と手を携え、本そのものがアートだと言えるような本を作る。大部数でないからこそ、作り手と受け手がその価値を共有できる。そんな思いから生まれたのが、印刷会社をルーツに持つ(株)ケンズがプロデュースするデジタル印刷によるアートブックプロジェクト、KEN BOOKS projectです。
“路上の真実を切り撮る”写真家、ジョン・サイパルが、里帰りした故郷で日常を写した『NEBRASKA, THE GOOD LIFE』。
Project Description
John Sypal, a photographer who "captures the truth found on the street," captures from a slightly detached perspective the everyday life of his midwestern American home state in NEBRASKA, THE GOOD LIFE. After his first year in Japan in the early 2000s, Sypal returned home with "new eyes"- with these he rediscovered the people and scenery of his hometown. KEN BOOKS is proud to publish his Nebraska photography for the first time.
KEN BOOKS project がめざすもの
──そんな思いから始まったのが、KEN BOOKS です。
KEN BOOKSを通じて自分だけのアートを探し、
*研文社は、創業76年の中堅印刷会社。2020年、フルデジタルの高精細印刷機と加飾機を導入し、写真やアートの鮮やかな発色や階調、陰影、シズル感を余すことなく再現。その可能性をアーティストや装丁家と探るべく、2022年、その制作部門・株式会社Ken'S(代表:岡田健司)が、KEN BOOKS projectを始動。
What is it which the KEN BOOKS project aims to achieve?
◇There is art you want to see on paper.
Today, our modern life is aglow with smartphones, computers, and large screens across the city… We are constantly exposed to images through a variety of digital media.
And yet, there are still artists whose work we want to see on paper. Likewise, there remain artists who want to publish their work on paper. As a printing company, we believe it is our mission to respond to these desires.
◇We are committed to providing books that are valuable to the collection.
We are working hand in hand with authors and bookbinders.
We want to make books that can be said that the book itself is art.
We want to make a book that is worth collecting because it is not in large numbers, so that the creators and the recipient can share its value.
KEN BOOKS was started from such a desire.
◇Ken'S is a company that knows book design inside and out.
Ken'S is an independent design company that was established by the production division of KENBUNSYA, a general printing company.
We know all aspects of book design, including editing, design, printing, and bookbinding.
We are able to deliver the art that artists put into their hearts and souls, with the most appropriate design.
We will discover and present art that you have never seen before by making the most of our connections with many artists and writers with whom we have collaborated in various ways.
◇You can find your own unique art.
If you are interested in art that is not yet widely known to the world, please contact us.
If it surprises and moves your mind and senses, then it is undeniably irreplaceable art for you.
Through KEN BOOKS, you can find your own art, support the artists, and enjoy growing together.
Why don't you enjoy your own art through KEN BOOKS, cheers the artists, and discovery the pleasure of growing together with them?
*In 2020, KENBUNSYA, a medium-sized printing company in business for 76 years, will introduce a full-digital, high-definition printing press and decorating equipment to reproduce the vivid colors, tones, shades, and sizzle of photographs and art in their entirety. In 2022, its production division, Ken'S Corporation(COO: Kenji Okada), will launch the KEN BOOKS project to explore the possibilities with artists and bookbinders.
KEN BOOKSの記念すべき一冊目のアーティストは、「路上の真実を切り撮る」写真家、ジョン・サイパルさんです。ジョンさんは『随写』=「筆」の代わりに「カメラ」を用いて日常を思いのままに綴ったシリーズや、『tokyo camera style』=街角のカメラ愛好家のスナップシリーズなどで知られている写真家で、その作品には、対象に対する驚きや好奇心、優しさが満ちていて、見る人を楽しく幸せな気持ちにしてくれます。
そんなジョンさんが、写真家としてのキャリアの最初に撮った『NEBRASKA, THE GOOD LIFE』。2005年、ニコンサロンの公募展に入選して以来、ギャラリーでは何度か展示されてきた代表作の一つですが、本という形で世に問うのは今回が初めてとなります。東京で写真修行をしたジョンさんが、2002年から2015年にかけて里帰りを重ね、故郷の人々や町並みの表情を捉えた貴重な写真の数々…写真集『NEBRASKA, THE GOOD LIFE』を、多くの皆さんにお届けしたいと考えています。
「高校で日本文化に興味を持ち、大学で日本に留学した私は、そこで自分の興味は何よりも写真にあると気づきました。2002年、留学を終えて帰国した私は、東京でたくさん写真を撮ったおかげで眼球が「新しいカタチ」になったので、その眼とカメラで自分の故郷を見つめ直しました。この本は、私が見た故郷やアメリカの文化についての記録ですが、個人的な日記のような、センチメンタルな雰囲気も含んでいます。そして、写真をとる価値のあるものに出会うために、遠くに出かけたり特別な場所に行ったりする必要はない、ということにも気付きました。それらは、自宅の裏庭や、前の通りで、皆さんを待っているんですよ!ちなみにthe good lifeという副題は、ネブラスカ州の観光モットーで、州に入ると標識に書いてあるのです」
ジョン・サイパル John Sypal
1979年、アメリカ・ネブラスカ生まれ。学生時代に何度か日本に留学し、2004年大学卒業後に来日して定住。2005年より写真展を開催し始める。以来17年間の間に25回以上もの個展を開催している。2010年にTotem Pole Photo Galleryへ加入、2012年より現在に至るまで「随写」シリーズとして定期的に作品を発表し好評を博している。また、東京の写真文化を日常的に取材し、“Tokyo Camera Style”と題したブログやインスタグラムを通して積極的に発信している。
【“Tokyo Camera Style”インスタグラム】
仕様寸法=ハードカバー上製本 296mm×188mm 総ページ=110
写真点数=78点 撮影時期=2002年8月〜2015年 撮影場所=アメリカ合衆国ネブラスカ州
使用機材=Nikon F2 / 28mm f2.8、Bessa R2 / 28mm f2.8 / 35mm f1.7、Leica MP / 35mm f2
KEN BOOKS' first commemorative book features the work of John Sypal, a photographer who "captures the truth on the street”.
An American living in Japan, Sypal has since 2012 been working on a series titled "Zuisha", one in which he “writes” a photographic diary of personal vision using a camera instead of a brush. At the same time, he celebrates Japan’s photographic culture with "tokyo camera style", an online platform where he shares images of cameras spotted on Tokyo’s streets.
His photographs are full of surprise, curiosity, and tenderness toward his subjects. They bring joy and happiness to the viewer.
Sypal began his career as a photographer in Japan with an exhibition of "NEBRASKA, THE GOOD LIFE", at the Nikon Salon in Shinjuku in 2005.
A popular series which he has added to and exhibited twice since, this is the long-awaited collection of his Nebraska pictures in book form.
Sypal, who spent a year in college in Japan in 2001-2002, returned to his hometown with what he calls “a new pair of eyes”, and took a number of precious photographs that capture the expressions of the people and places of his hometown seen from a detached perspective.
We hope to share the book "NEBRASKA, THE GOOD LIFE" with as many people as possible.
Message from the Photographer
In high school I became interested in Japanese culture and in 1998, my second year of college, I went to study abroad in Japan for the first time. This was followed with by a year abroad from 2001-2002. It was then that my interest in Japan focused into photography. In August of 2002, after a year of learning how to see and interact with my environment in Japan, I returned to my home state of Nebraska. I realized that, thanks to the many photographs I took in Tokyo, my eyes had taken on a new shape- allowing me a new way of looking at what I thought was just my familiar, regular hometown. Not missing a beat, I decided to use these new eyes and my camera to look at the place I was from. I moved to Japan in 2004 but made near yearly visits home each summer afterwards. This book collects photographs taken between 2002 and 2015.
This book is a record of my observations of my hometown and American culture- but it also has a sentimental tone, not unlike a personal diary. Despite currently living in Tokyo, in a way it is a reminder that you don't have to go far or to a special place to see something worth photographing. Photographs are waiting there, all around you.
The subtitle "the good life" is the motto of Nebraska's tourism department, a declaration seen on the sign as you enter the state.
John Sypal was born in 1979 in Nebraska, USA. He studied abroad in Japan twice as a student, moving to Japan in 2004. In 2005, he began holding photo exhibitions. In 2010, he joined Totem Pole Photo Gallery, and since 2012, he has been showing his works regularly in his ongoing "Zuisha" series. He has held more than 30 solo exhibitions in Tokyo over the past 17 years and has published several books of his work. Sypal also celebrates Tokyo's photographic culture on a blog and instagram account titled "Tokyo Camera Style".
【His homepage】
【His Instagram】
【"Tokyo Camera Style" Instagram】
Dimensions: Hardcover, bound in paper, 296mm x 188mm, total pages: 110
Number of photographs = 78 Date of shooting = August 2002 - 2015 Location = Nebraska, U.S.A.
Equipment used: Nikon F2 / 28mm f2.8, Bessa R2 / 28mm f2.8 / 35mm f1.7, Leica MP / 35mm f2
【1】サイン入り写真集「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」1冊 :6,000円
【2】One signed copy of「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」 :11,000 yen (Includes international shipping)
【3】サイン入り写真集「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」5冊セット :21,000円
【4】Five signed copies of「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」 :31,000 yen (Includes international shipping)
This discounted set was made with bookstores in mind.
【5】サイン入り写真集1冊+キャビネ版プリント1枚 :26,000円 ×10名
【6】A signed copy of「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」 and an original, new 5x7 silver gelatin (RC) print. :33,000 yen (Includes international shipping). Limit 5.
Supporters are free to choose from one of six different prints
No.1 The Sypal Farm, Dwight Nebraska, 2014 |
No.2 High School Rodeo, Valentine Nebraska, 2003 |
No.3 Lincoln, Nebraska, 2014 |
No.4 Valentine Nebraska, 2003 |
No.5 Lincoln, Nebraska 2002 |
No.6 Nebraska Bikini Team, David City Nebraska, 2003 |
【7】サイン入り写真集1冊+六切プリント1枚 :46,000円 ×7名
【8】A signed copy of「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」 and an original, new 8x10 silver gelatin (RC) print, :53,000 yen (Includes international shipping). Limit 3.
Supporters are free to choose from one of six different prints. A message from the photographer about the image you choose is included.
No.1 The Sypal Farm, Dwight Nebraska, 2014 |
No.2 High School Rodeo, Valentine Nebraska, 2003 |
No.3 Lincoln, Nebraska, 2014 |
No.4 Valentine Nebraska, 2003 |
No.5 Lincoln, Nebraska 2002 |
No.6 Nebraska Bikini Team, David City Nebraska, 2003 |
作者との写真体験「谷根千写真散歩」:50,000円 ×3名(*それぞれ同伴者1名まで可。)
One to one Tokyo Yanaka photo walk with John Sypal, :50,000 yen. (3 spots, all separate, available.)
Spend the day with John Sypal photographing Tokyo’s Yanesen district, a neighborhood which has long inspired him as a photographer. While this is a one to one experience, patrons are welcome to have one other person join. Meet at Nezu Station. The excursion is scheduled to run from 10:30 to 15:30. Participants are asked to cover their own costs for lunch and drink. Please bring your own camera. Schedule and other details can be discussed and decided later.
作者との写真体験「ポートレート撮影」:100,000円 ×5名(*それぞれ同伴者4名まで可。)
Monochrome Portrait Photo session by John Sypal :100,000 yen, limited to 5 groups, in Japan
Have you or your family’s portrait taken on black and white film by John Sypal at a location of your choice (near Tokyo). (Choose between 2 rolls of 35mm or 120 medium format film formats). John will create up to five silver gelatin prints in a darkroom for you. Details to be discussed separately. Max 5 people in a group.
サイン入り写真集1冊+ヴィンテージプリント V.1-a :106,000円 ×1名
A signed copy of「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」 and VINTAGE PRINTS. V.1-a :106,000 yen. Limit 1. (No International Shipment.)
From his archives John has made five 11x14 vintage silver gelatin prints available for supporters at this reward level. Each was printed the year it was taken. As supporters are able to select the image of their choice, these prints are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Omaha Junkyard, 2002
サイン入り写真集1冊+ヴィンテージプリント V.1-b :106,000円 ×1名
A signed copy of「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」 and VINTAGE PRINTS. V.1-b :106,000 yen. Limit 1. (No International Shipment.)
From his archives John has made five 11x14 vintage silver gelatin prints available for supporters at this reward level. Each was printed the year it was taken. As supporters are able to select the image of their choice, these prints are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. V.1-a and V.1-b have the same picture.
Omaha Junkyard, 2002
サイン入り写真集1冊+ヴィンテージプリント V.2 :106,000円 ×1名
A signed copy of「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」 and VINTAGE PRINTS. V.2 :106,000 yen. Limit 1. (No International Shipment.)
From his archives John has made five 11x14 vintage silver gelatin prints available for supporters at this reward level. Each was printed the year it was taken. As supporters are able to select the image of their choice, these prints are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Near Valentine, Nebraska 2003
サイン入り写真集1冊+ヴィンテージプリント V.3 :106,000円 ×1名
A signed copy of「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」 and VINTAGE PRINTS. V.3 :106,000 yen. Limit 1. (No International Shipment.)
From his archives John has made five 11x14 vintage silver gelatin prints available for supporters at this reward level. Each was printed the year it was taken. As supporters are able to select the image of their choice, these prints are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Columbus, Nebraska, 2004
サイン入り写真集1冊+ヴィンテージプリント V.4 :106,000円 ×1名
A signed copy of「NEBRASKA,THE GOOD LIFE」 and VINTAGE PRINTS. V.4 :106,000 yen. Limit 1. (No International Shipment.)
From his archives John has made five 11x14 vintage silver gelatin prints available for supporters at this reward level. Each was printed the year it was taken. As supporters are able to select the image of their choice, these prints are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
High School Rodeo, Valentine Nebraska, 2003
The target amount of 1,000,000 yen will be used to cover the cost of producing the photo book, the cost of returns, and funding fees.
プロジェクトの進行を逐次ご報告するとともに、 資金が目標金額に達しない場合でも、 不足部分はプレゼンターが補填し、写真集を完成させます。 リターンは必ず実行させていただきます。
The photo book is in progress, with layout design completed as of October 2022. Color proofing for printing has also been done and a prototype is nearing completion. After the number of issues is finalized, the book will be produced and is scheduled for delivery in February 2023.
We will keep you updated on the progress of the project and even if the funds do not reach the target amount, the presenter will make up any shortfall to complete the photo book. We will make sure that the returns will be executed.
最後までお付き合いくださり、ありがとうございます。 私たちKEN BOOKS Projectは、 ジョン・サイパルさんの 『NEBRASKA, THE GOOD LIFE』に続いて、 写真家やイラストレーターの 素晴らしい作品を本にしてお届けしたく、 作品集の構成やデザインを進めているところです。
第2弾の作品も、motion Galleryにて 皆さんにプレゼンテーションさせていただくつもりで準備を進めていますので、 引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you very much for your patience until the end. We at KEN BOOKS Project are in the process of composing and designing a book of works, following John Sypal's "NEBRASKA, THE GOOD LIFE", in order to bring you the wonderful works of photographers and illustrators in book form.
We are preparing to present the second volume of works to you at Motion Gallery, and we look forward to your continued support.
6000 円
11000 円
21000 円
26000 円
31000 円
33000 円
46000 円
50000 円
53000 円
100000 円
106000 円
106000 円
106000 円
106000 円
106000 円