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相模女子大学/上條ゼミナール8期生 プロフィールを表示




  • 神奈川県
  • 起案数 1
  • 応援数 0
  • Twitter (未設定)
  • フォロワー 0 人




Hello, we are Kamijo seminar students of Sagami Women’s University.

●この活動を通して実現したいこと Our Goal 


We want to help as many koalas as possible damaged by the Australia forest fire and we don’t want you to forget this incident.

●クラウドファンディングを利用する理由  Reason to use Crowdfunding



The simplest street fund-raising campaign for students and the creation of support funds at the school festival were not realized due to the Corona disaster.Also, fund-raising activities through the Internet are not familiar to us students.However, we decided to take action because we thought that the support activities we researched and planned were crowdfunding and would be a place for people all over the world to agree with us.Because of the corona disaster, we take these steps, and I find it attractive as a way to promote my activities to language training and acquaintances and friends who we have made at my study abroad.

Our activities to foster koalas are not just koalas, but also to repair the damage to nature and animals caused by Australian forest fires.In order to send a message to the world to correct the fear of disasters and the value of nature, we are sending a bilingual message to Japan and Britain.

●内訳 Breakdown


One koala can be supported for about 20,000 yen per year, thus a total of 160,000 yen is required to support eight koalas. We decided on the number based on the number of students currently active on this project. For the remaining approximately 40,000 yen (or additional amount), we hope to support other Australian forest fire victim animals and to restore their living environment.

●想定されるリスクとチャレンジ  Possible risks and challenges


We aim to become foster parents for eight koalas. Whether or not we reach the target sum or not, the funds we receive will be used to help koalas affected by the Australian forest fire.

●被害に遭ったコアラの現状 Current status of Australian forest fire and koalas


A large-scale forest fire broke out in Australia from September 2019 to this year. The site of the forest fire is also known as the habitat of koalas. When fire broke out, many koalas couldn't escape, and about 90 percent were killed.


A large-scale forest fire broke out in Australia from September 2019 to this year. The site of the forest fire is also known as the habitat of koalas. When fire broke out, many koalas couldn't escape, and about 90 percent were killed.

↓For more information on the current status of Australia's forest fires and koalas, please visit the following links.

火災状況がわかる映像: fire situation


コアラ回復:koalas recovery


オーストラリアの森林火災の現状 : Japanese news


収束後のコアラの現状 : Japanese news


●私たちについて  About us


We are students of the English Language department but have been engaged in many extracurricular activities such as sending handmade masks to nursing care facilities, collecting towels that are no longer needed at the university for an animal welfare center donation, and sending relief supplies to the Philippines.While aiming for activities that are as useful as possible in our student lifes, we also studied to acquire qualifications for aromatherapy and ear acupuncture. Our experience and maturity has grown with great benefits of our time as university students.

要らなくなったタオル回収の様子 towel volunteer

介護施設へ送った手作りマスク mask volunteer

私たちがゼミナールに所属した年、オーストラリアでコアラが被害を受けているニュースが舞い込んできて、支援活動をしたいと願っていました。現地に行けないけど、コアラ支援したいという気持ちが強くありました。昨年度は、英文科として今まで学んできた英語能力を活かし、フィリピンのブヨン小学校(BUYONG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL)へ全長約1.5mの手作り千羽鶴や手作りカルタ、文房具の支援物資を送っています。文房具は多くの方から不要のものを寄付していただき、支援者と支援先の方々に大変喜んでいただけて、感無量でした。

The year we joined the seminar, we received news about koalas being harmed in Australia, and we wished to do something to help. Even though we couldn't go there, we had a strong desire to support koalas. Last year, we made use of the English skills we have learned as an English Literature major to send 1.5 meter long handmade paper cranes, handmade karuta, and stationery to Buyong Elementary School in the Philippines. The stationery was donated by many people who didn't need it, and it was a great pleasure for the donors and recipients to receive it.

フィリピンの小学校へ送った千羽鶴と文房具 Philippine volunteer


Now that we have gained valuable experience in overseas support by participating in this volunteer activity, we would like to expand the scope of my overseas activities. Through this support activity, we would like to let people know about the current situation of koala damage, and we hope that many people will cooperate with us. And finally, as the graduation year draws to a close, we hope that this support will go through the hands of many people and become a "support activity for everyone" including the collaborators.

●支援する団体について About the organization











The organization we are going to support is the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia. It is a non-profit organization established in 1973 as a hospital specializing in koalas. Port Macquarie Koala Hospital is mainly active in the following seven pillars.

・ Rescue wild koalas and protect them in hospitals.

・ We will treat the koalas that have been brought back to the wild.

・ The treatment is divided into 4 parts according to the condition of the koala.

・ We have set up a drinking fountain that can be used not only by koalas but also by other wild animals.

・ Eucalyptus trees are being planted in order to clear the forest due to the conversion to residential land and to prepare the environment that was burned down by this forest fire.

・ There is a program where you can choose the koala you want to support from the list and become a foster parent.

・ Koala Hospital, which is also a research center, has strong ties with zoos and researchers in various countries such as governments, universities, and museums, and actively exchanges information.

↓The URL of Port Macquarie Koala Hospital is below


●今後について About the future



With the funds we received, we will become foster parents of eight koalas, and we will provide support to koalas and animals that were affected by forest fires in Australia 2019, together with afforestation.

Our activity reports will be sent by SNS and will be informed to all supporters by postcards too.



●想定スケジュール  Schedule






The assumed schedule is as follows.

July-September→Collect support funds

Nomember→Support for Koala Hospital

December→return mail

In addition, we plan to report on the current situation in an updated article from time to time.

●リターンについて About returns



As a token of our gratitude,we will send you a special Kamijo seminar sticker with handwritten pictures of koalas. In addition, we plan to update past activities and future activities in the update article from time to time.

(Please note that it may be delayed due to COVID -19)

リターン用上條ゼミナールオリジナルステッカー original sticker

●この活動の責任者 Activity manager

相模女子大学 上條ゼミナール8期生: 野坂萌衣(のさかもえ)2018年に相模女子大学学芸学部英語文化コミュニケーション学科に入学。2020年に上條ゼミナールに所属する。

Sagami Women's University Kamijo Seminar 8th generation member : Moe Nosaka.Entered the Department of English Culture and Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Sagami Women's University in 2018. Belongs to Kamijo Seminar since 2020.


  • 2000


    • 活動報告のはがき
    • 2022年02月 にお届け予定です。
    • 14人が応援しています。
  • 5000

    活動報告&ステッカーコース ①

    • 活動報告のはがき
    • オリジナルステッカー 1枚(どちらか1枚)
    • 2022年02月 にお届け予定です。
    • 7人が応援しています。
  • 8000

    活動報告&ステッカーコース ②

    • 活動報告のはがき
    • オリジナルステッカー 2枚(各1枚ずつ)
    • 2022年02月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 10000

    活動報告&ステッカーコース ③

    • 活動報告のはがき
    • オリジナルステッカー 4枚(各2枚ずつ)
    • 2022年02月 にお届け予定です。
    • 7人が応援しています。