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短編映画「Heirs 受け継ぐ者」の制作をクラウドファンディングで実現!

アメリカの大学院で学ぶ学生が制作する映画『Heirs 受け継ぐ者』。


目標金額 1,000,000 円


目標金額 1,000,000 円

塩見 莉沙 プロフィールを表示



塩見 莉沙


  • その他・海外
  • 起案数 1
  • 応援数 0
  • Twitter (未設定)
  • フォロワー 5 人



映画の内容について The Story





"Heirs" is a poignant drama that delves deep into the life of Shun Kimura, a 16-year-old high school student living in a modern Japanese town. Shun's cheerful and friendly demeanor masks the turmoil he faces at home, where his father, Ken, exerts a harsh and oppressive presence, and his mother, Ai, silently suffers under the weight of domestic abuse. As Shun tries to maintain his composure and respect at school, he finds himself increasingly influenced by his peers, leading him down a path of aggression and rebellion.

The story unfolds through a series of intimate and intense scenes that juxtapose Shun's daily life at school with the oppressive atmosphere at home. At school, Shun's interactions with his classmates, particularly the bullied Akira and the bruised Hayato, reflect his internal struggle between conforming to peer pressure and maintaining his sense of right and wrong. His relationship with Hana, a gentle and supportive classmate, offers a fleeting glimpse of normalcy and affection, but even this is tainted by the shadows of his upbringing.

As the narrative progresses, the cycle of violence and respect—or the lack thereof—becomes a central theme. Shun's attempts to assert himself lead to moments of confrontation and regret, both at home and with Hana. The climax reveals the devastating impact of this environment on Shun's behavior and relationships, culminating in a tragic evening that shatters any remaining illusions of safety and respect. 

この物語の作品背景 Why this Story?


I was inspired by anger against Japan's juvenile laws, which give lighter sentences to youths regardless of their crimes. I also believe that their environment, especially if they're sheltered, influences their actions. Consent in sex is another issue for youth, and my story emphasizes that pursuing sex without consent is rape.

This project resonates with me due to my complex emotions about my parents. I love and respect them, but we often fight over our differing opinions. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I accepted all their views. Thus, I aim to spark a debate on the impact of parenting on youth behavior.

人々の感情にフォーカスして Focusing on people's emotion


今回の作品『Heirs 受け継ぐ者』では、塩見が日本で疑問に感じている社会問題を通してある高校生の感情とそれによる選択を見届けていただきたいです。

登場人物 Characters

木村瞬 Shun Kimura - 元々物分かりの良い静かな子だが、家庭と学校等の周囲の環境により世間の善悪がわからなくなってしまう。成績は優秀。初対面では好印象をもたれることが多いがなぜだかつるむ友達が治安悪目の人が多い。時々どこかを見てぼーっと虚無になることがある。

Shun, a Japanese high school student. Originally a sensible and quiet child, but his home and school environment have made him confused about what is right and wrong in the world. He does well in school, as seen from the many trophies in his house. He often makes a good first impression, but somehow ends up hanging out with friends who have sketchy reputations. Sometimes, he zones out and dissociates, staring into space.

植田華 Hana Ueda - 瞬と同級生であり恋人。性格がよくクラスでも人気者な彼女。ハキハキと話すことができ、自分の芯をしっかりと持っている。姿勢がよく、真っ直ぐ前を見つめることができる人。

Hana, a Japanese high school student. Shun’s girlfriend. She has a great personality and reigns at the top of the class hierarchy. Hana speaks confidently and has a strong sense of self. She has good posture and can look straight ahead without wavering.

木村健 Ken Kimura - 笑顔が爽やかなサラリーマン。人当たりはよくありつつも、怒りやすい性格で周りからも少し恐れられている。自分の体裁を何よりも気にする。

Ken, Shun’s father. A cheerful businessman in his late 30s with a refreshing smile. He has a well-built physique and is prone to violence. He has a short temper and is somewhat feared at the company since he doesn't hide his propensity for violence. He cares more about appearances than anything else.

木村愛 Ai Kimura - 物静かで大人しい性格。専業主婦で健しか頼れる人がいない、そしてそれを引け目に感じている。いつも地味な格好をしている。

Ai, Shun’s mother. She is quiet and mature, always walking three steps behind her man. She is a housewife and has no one to rely on but Ken. She always dresses modestly.

プロジェクトのスケジュール Schedule

2024年5月〜9月 撮影準備 Pre Production

2024年10月 撮影 Production

2025年初め 公開予定 Release 


今回のクラウドファンディングを通してもし目標金額未達となった場合でも、不足する資金は自費で補填し、映画『Heirs 受け継ぐ者』の完成を実現いたします。リターンも必ずお届けしますので、ご安心ください。

Even if we do not reach our goal through this crowdfunding campaign, we will cover the shortfall with our own funds to ensure the completion of the film "Heirs." We will also definitely deliver the rewards, so please rest assured.

予算 Budget


We need to raise funds to produce the film at a quality we’re proud of and to ensure fair compensation for all team members, valuing their contributions and avoiding any exploitation of their efforts. Your support will help us achieve these goals and bring our vision to life.







スタッフ Crew

監督 Director - 塩見莉沙 Lisa Shiomi

塩見 莉沙はロヨラメリーマウント大学で映画とテレビ制作について修士課程で学習している、ロサンゼルスを拠点に活動する在米日本人の映画監督です。2022年に青山学院大学で総合文化政策学部を卒業し、単一民族社会での多文化主義の存在に重点を置いた研究をしました。日本で物語制作に携わることから映画の道を歩み始め、異文化の多様性をテーマにした映画制作への情熱を追求するためにアメリカに移住。彼女は多様な背景を焦点を置いた映画を制作し、視野を広げ、個性と個人の自由の重要性を主張することに情熱を注いでいます。彼女の経歴には、プロダクションマネージャーとしての経験があり、戦争や難民を描いた非日本語映画の日本語字幕を作成したことが挙げられます。

Lisa Shiomi (Writer/Director) is an upcoming second-year MFA candidate in Film and TV Production at Loyola Marymount University. A Japanese American director and producer based in Los Angeles, she earned her BA in Cultural and Creative Studies from Aoyama Gakuin University in 2022 with an emphasis in How Multiculturalism Exists in mono-ethnic Society, Japan. She began her journey in film working on narratives in Japan and moved to the United States to pursue her passion for making films treating diversity topics from different cultures. Lisa is passionate about creating films that highlight diverse backgrounds, aiming to broaden perspectives and underscore the importance of individuality and personal freedom.

プロデューサー Producer - 岡本奈々 Nana Okamoto


Nana Okamoto is a writer and producer who has moved around a lot, perhaps even too many times. She lived in Japan, Kentucky, and Singapore before returning to Iowa to pursue a BA in Sociology and Classics at Grinnell College. Afterwards, she moved to Los Angeles to attend Loyola Marymount University and graduated this past May with a MFA in Writing for the Screen. Nana has interned at Roadside Attractions, Village Roadshow, and Shochiku in development, sales, and licensing. She writes multicultural narratives in the hope that readers will simultaneously find both comfort and discomfort in her stories.

プロデューサー Producer - リドン・ワン Lidong Wang

ワン・リドンは映画監督兼プロデューサー。2022年にミシガン州のアルマ大学で新しいメディアの学士号を取得した後、映画業界でのキャリアをスタートさせ、多くの短編映画やテレビ番組の制作に貢献した。2023年には、自身初の短編映画「Passenger」を監督し、大きな称賛を受けました。この映画は、Global Film Festival Awards、Atlantis Award、Diamond Bell International Film Festivalに選出され、Subathra International Film Festivalで最優秀学生短編映画賞を受賞した。その後、ロサンゼルスのロヨラ・メリーマウント大学(LMU)で映画製作の修士号を取得するために入学し、ドキュメンタリー映画製作とクリエイティブプロデュースを専門としました。LMU在学中、彼女は多くの才能ある若手監督と協力し、10本以上の短編映画のプロデューサーを務めました。

Lidong Wang is a filmmaker and producer. After earning a Bachelor's degree in New Media from Alma College in Michigan in 2022, she began her career in the film industry, contributing to the production of numerous short films and television programs. In 2023, she directed her first personal short film, "Passenger," which received significant acclaim. The film was selected for the Global Film Festival Awards, Atlantis Award, and Diamond Bell International Film Festival, and won the Best Student Short Film award at the Subathra International Film Festival.

Subsequently, she enrolled at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) in Los Angeles to pursue a Master's degree in Film Production, specializing in Documentary Filmmaking and Creative Producing. During her time at LMU, she collaborated with many talented young directors, serving as the producer for over ten short films.

Currently, Wang is also preparing her first independent documentary. She plans to return to her father's hometown to explore the changes in people's lives after 40 years of urbanization brought by China's reform and opening-up policies.

プロデューサー Producer - イジー・シルバー Izzy Silver


Izzy Silver is a Film and TV Production Major with a strong foot in the theater world. As an international student from London, England, she was late to the film game, deciding to pursue it at the age of 18, yet this has not stopped her, inspired by storytelling that demonstrates both beauty and truth from across the world. Izzy cannot wait to work with Lisa and the crew!

カメラマン Director of Photography - 德永森音 Tapio Tokunaga


Tapio is a Japanese filmmaker based in Los Angeles. Having graduated with Bachelor of Arts degree in film and TV production alongside with the minor in screenwriting at Loyola Marymount University, he has worked on many films and commercials as director, director of photography, and 1st assistant camera, but also grip/electric team member, production sound mixer, and 1st assistant director, etc. The projects he directed and joined as a crew member have been recognized at many film festivals, such as LA Shorts, SFTV Industry Awards, NFFTY, and DigiCon6 Asia.

助監督 Assistant Director - ディラン・ヤン Dylan Yang


Philosophy major turned Screenwriter and Assistant Director, Dylan Yang comes from just outside of Boston, MA. A second-generation Chinese American, Dylan is a graduate student in Loyola Marymount University’s School of Film and Television. Besides film, Dylan loves music; he sings, beatboxes, and has played saxophone for over 14 years. While studying abroad in the UK, Dylan took his first screenwriting class and was heavily encouraged to pursue it further by his lecturers. Always fascinated by filmmaking, he is now striving to create compelling stories that transport audiences to another world.

美術 Production Designer - シンシア イーラン・ワン Cynthia/Yiran Wang


彼女はは『The Cliff』や『Lullaby』といった映画を監督し、中国のテレビシリーズ『老陆在线』や短編映画『Doll-Kind』の制作にも関わりました。彼女のプロジェクトは、ヤングスタウン映画祭、ボストン・インディペンデント映画祭、LAサンフェスト、ヴェニスショーツなどで公式選出され、多くの賞を受賞しています。


Cynthia/Yiran Wang has extensive experience in both film and stage production. Graduated with a BA in film production from Emerson College, she is now pursuing an MFA in film production at Loyola Marymount University.

Yiran has directed film productions like “The Cliff”, “Lullaby”, and was involved in the production of the Chinese TV series “Old Lu Online” (老陆在线) and the short film “Doll-Kind.”Her projects have received numerous accolades, including official selections at the Youngstown Film Festival, Boston Independent Film Festival, LA Sun Fest, and Venice Shorts.

Specializing in film production, Yiran continues to focus on creating impactful and socially relevant content. Based on her diverse cultural background, she hopes to bring more varied stories to a wider audience.

特典について About the Incentives

1. 支援者紹介 Heirs Hype Boost

本プロジェクトのインスタグラム @heirsproductionでご支援いただいた方の名前を紹介いたします。

We will post a special shoutout of your name on our Instagram @heirsproduction.

2. BTSパッケージ Behind-the-Heirs


We will send our BTS package during the production with exclusive content.

3. デジタルポスター Digital Heirloom


We will send a stunning digital signed poster from cast&crew of the film.

4. 『Heirs 受け継ぐ者』エンドロールへのお名前記載 Heir of Honor


Your name in the special thank you credits.

5.  デジタルブックレット Script Keeper


We will send a digital copy of the script and pre-production book to dive deeper into the story.

6. 映画への事前アクセス Early Heir Access


7. 『Heirs 受け継ぐ者』エンドロール・主要スタッフ欄へのお名前記載 Executive Producer Credit


Receive a prestigious Executive Producer credit in the film, acknowledging your significant contribution.

最後に Lastly

本プロジェクトのインスタグラム @heirsproductionで随時キャストやクルーのプロフィール、ロケ地探し、衣装デザイン、第二言語での撮影プロセスなど、ワクワクするアップデートをお届けしますのでぜひフォローしてください!応援よろしくお願いいたします。

Support our project by pledging on this campaign page and sharing our Instagram @heirsproduction. Follow us for exciting updates, including cast and crew profiles, location scouting, costume design, and our second language shooting process. DM us to share your story and be featured on our Instagram—we love spotlighting young filmmakers and artists!


  • 1500


    • Instagram @heirsproduction で支援してくださった方を紹介 (1名)
    • 2024年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 6人が応援しています。
  • 1500

    【for overseas】Heirs Hype Boost

    • A shoutout on our Instagram @heirsproduction! (x1)
    • 2024年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 3000


    • 限定コンテンツ付きのBTSパッケージのご提供 x1
    • Instagram @heirsproduction で支援してくださった方を紹介 (1名)
    • 2024年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 5人が応援しています。
  • 4000

    【for overseas】Behind-the-Heirs

    • Enjoy a BTS package with exclusive content! (x1)
    • A shoutout on our Instagram @heirsproduction! (x1)
    • 2024年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 5000


    • サイン入りのデジタルポスターのご提供 (1枚)
    • 限定コンテンツ付きのBTSパッケージのご提供 x1
    • Instagram @heirsproduction で支援してくださった方を紹介 (1名)
    • 2024年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。
  • 7500

    【for overseas】Digital Heirloom

    • Receive a stunning digital signed poster! (x1)
    • Enjoy a BTS package with exclusive content! (x1)
    • A shoutout on our Instagram @heirsproduction! (x1)
    • 2024年11月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 7500


    • エンドクレジットのSpecial Thanksに名前を記載 (1名)
    • サイン入りのデジタルポスターのご提供 (1枚)
    • 限定コンテンツ付きのBTSパッケージのご提供 x1
    • Instagram @heirsproduction で支援してくださった方を紹介 (1名)
    • 2024年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。
  • 10000

    【for overseas】Heir of Honor

    • Your name in the special thank you credits! (x1)
    • Receive a stunning digital signed poster! (x1)
    • Enjoy a BTS package with exclusive content! (x1)
    • A shoutout on our Instagram @heirsproduction! (x1)
    • 2024年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 10000


    • 脚本を含めたプロダクションブックレットのご提供 (1冊)
    • エンドクレジットのSpecial Thanksに名前を記載 (1名)
    • サイン入りのデジタルポスターのご提供 (1枚)
    • 限定コンテンツ付きのBTSパッケージのご提供 x1
    • Instagram @heirsproduction で支援してくださった方を紹介 (1名)
    • 2024年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 3人が応援しています。
  • 15000

    【for overseas】Script Keeper

    • Get a digital production book with script! (x1)
    • Your name in the special thank you credits! (x1)
    • Receive a stunning digital signed poster! (x1)
    • Enjoy a BTS package with exclusive content! (x1)
    • A shoutout on our Instagram @heirsproduction! (x1)
    • 2024年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 15000


    • 映画の事前アクセスのURLをご提供 (視聴期限:2025年1月31日まで) x1
    • 脚本を含めたプロダクションブックレットのご提供 (1冊)
    • エンドクレジットのSpecial Thanksに名前を記載 (1名)
    • サイン入りのデジタルポスターのご提供 (1枚)
    • 限定コンテンツ付きのBTSパッケージのご提供 x1
    • Instagram @heirsproduction で支援してくださった方を紹介 (1名)
    • 2024年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。
  • 20000

    【for overseas】Early Heir Access

    • Early access to the film! (until Jan 31, 2025)
    • Get a digital production book with script! (x1)
    • Your name in the special thank you credits! (x1)
    • Receive a stunning digital signed poster! (x1)
    • Enjoy a BTS package with exclusive content! (x1)
    • A shoutout on our Instagram @heirsproduction! (x1)
    • 2024年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 100000


    • エグゼクティブプロデューサーとしてエンドクレジットに名前を記載 (1名)
    • 映画の事前アクセスのURLをご提供 (視聴期限:2025年1月31日まで) x1
    • 脚本を含めたプロダクションブックレットのご提供 (1冊)
    • エンドクレジットのSpecial Thanksに名前を記載 (1名)
    • サイン入りのデジタルポスターのご提供 (1枚)
    • 限定コンテンツ付きのBTSパッケージのご提供 x1
    • Instagram @heirsproduction で支援してくださった方を紹介 (1名)
    • 2024年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 150000

    【for overseas】Executive Producer Credit

    • Receive an Executive Producer credit! (x1)
    • Early access to the film! (until Jan 31, 2025)
    • Get a digital production book with script! (x1)
    • Your name in the special thank you credits! (x1)
    • Receive a stunning digital signed poster! (x1)
    • Enjoy a BTS package with exclusive content! (x1)
    • A shoutout on our Instagram @heirsproduction! (x1)
    • 2024年12月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。