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― コトバの壁を超え、笑顔の連鎖を!







諸田 一茂 プロフィールを表示



諸田 一茂




このプロジェクトについて / About This Project


My name is Kazushige Morota, and I am the presenter of this project(*). In a nutshell, this project is about collaborating with Risa Takahashi, an artist of clay works mainly featuring cats, and spreading smiles all over the world through her works. And as the greatest tool to achieve this goal, we will produce an e-book on clay cats (the first half is an instructional book on how to make them, and the second half is an album of Ms. Takahashi's works) in 12 languages including Japanese, and sell it at Amazon bookstores around the world.


After graduating from a high school of arts, Ms. Takahashi Risa went to France where she graduated from Versailles Municipal School of Fine Arts in 1993. After returning to Japan, she started creating and selling art works of cats. Since 2003 she has held annual exhibitions of her works. She also works as an instructor of clay cat creation courses at culture centers and other venues in Tokyo City. She published “Nekokone” (first edition in 2008 and a second edition in 2009) and “Hinerineko” (published in 2011). Since 2016, her work has been featured in an art textbook for first-year middle school students published by Mitsumura Books.


Ms. Risa is a unique sculptor of clay works using cats as her motif. She has established her own style of creating works of art that is mainly inspired by humor, puns, or the momentary poses of cats. Her style has a way of putting you at ease. For example, she can recreate a scene from a famous novel and add a comical touch to it. Through the creation of funny cats, we would like to bring a measure of happiness to the people of the world.

たとえば... パレスチナのガザ地区に暮らす子どもたちと親、その隣国イスラエルの子供たちと親が、片やヘブライ語、片やアラビア語のダジャレ/ユーモアに基づく愉快な猫を作り、互いに笑いあい、市民レベルで少しでも交流ができるようになったら、などと夢想しています。

For example, I dream that a time will come when children and their parents in the Gaza Strip of Palestine, and their counterparts across the border in Israel, will be able to make funny cats based on puns/humor in their respective languages (Arabic and Hebrew) and laugh with each other and that this will help sow the seeds of peaceful relations on a small scale.


Their current political situation is severe. However, we have recently heard news that the foreign minister of Israel supports coexistence with Palestine. Times are changing little by little. I hope that our project will be the start of a movement, even if it is only a millimeter.


現在、私たち(諸田、株式会社ソーホーズのスタッフ、そして高橋理佐さん)は、粘土猫のオンライン制作講座の媒体としてYouTubeチャンネルを試験運用中です。これを本格的運用へと拡張し、世界中から受講者を募るため、粘土猫の制作教本(電子書籍、仮題『 ダジャレ粘土猫、世界を巡る』)を、日本語を含む世界の主要言語12ヶ国語(*)で制作し、今年5月初旬を目処に世界中のAmazon書店から販売を開始します。この電子書籍の前半の制作ノウハウの内容は、YouTubeチャンネルの内容と同期させ、互いに補完しあえるよう構成します。

We (me, some staff of The Soho's Ltd., and Risa Takahashi) currently offer, on an experimental basis, an online course of making clay cats via a YouTube channel. To scale up this operation and attract the participation of students from all over the world, we are working to produce textbooks on how to create clay cats (ebooks) in 12 major languages (*), including Japanese, which will be available from Amazon bookstores around the world around the beginning of May.

(The black twigs are sticks from the Silver vine plant)

加えて、このYouTubeチャンネルを通じて、 年に一度、電子書籍の読者とチャンネル登録ユーザーの作品を展示する作品展を開催します。初回は2022年12月の作品公開を目指します。出品者には、自身の作品の写真と母国語のダジャレやユーモラスな言葉を使ったタイトルと簡単な説明文を付けて専用サイトに送付していただきます。それらのテキストはすべて、翻訳者の手で共通言語としての英語に(日本語にも)翻訳し、ウェブサイト上で世界中から閲覧できるよう公開します。

And through this YouTube channel, we will hold an annual art exhibition to display and recognize notable works provided by our e-book readers and channel subscribers. We plan to hold our first exhibition in December 2022. Prospective exhibitors should send a photo of their works and in their native language give it a humorous title that is a play on words. Please provide an explanation as puns travel less well across language barriers. Those explanations will be translated into the standard language of English (and Japanese) and published on our web site.

カーナビ(Car Navi ならぬ "Caw" Navi)* Caw = カラスの鳴き声
Ka navi (not "car navigation system" but "Caw")


Ms. Takahashi’s works demonstrate some of the characteristics of the Japanese people and Japanese culture. The works created as part of this project by participants from many different countries will have readers from other countries nod in agreement, perplex them or enlighten them. Reader reactions will differ and provide us a glimpse into the characteristics of different countries. There are also families where each member comes up with ideas stimulating each other, which is the sort of collaboration we encourage.


Below is the cover and a sample page of her previous book. The last book was published on November 1, 2011, so this e-book is a condensed version of her last 10 years. Together with Ms. Takahashi, we are determined to make this book as good as the last one, and we hope that people all over the world will enjoy the highly polished pun cats.


出典: 『粘土で作るダジャレ猫』著者: 高橋理佐、発行元: 有限会社 源


This newly created community will pique the participants interest in things and language and we hope it will grow into a forum for fun and the exchange of ideas. We hope you will approve of and support us in our venture.

Below is a rough draft created by Ms. Takahashi detailing the process of creating clay cats for an editorial meeting.

* 第2次出版言語として、東南アジア諸語、東欧諸語の出版を計画しています。

Language versions to be published:
The following 12 languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, (simplified and traditional Chinese), Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French, German, Italian and Arabic.
* In the second round of publications, we plan to include Southeast Asian languages and Eastern European languages.

スケジュール / Project Schedule

2021年7月10日 第一回電子書籍編集会議 @高橋邸
2021年8月26日 第2回会議: 仮題「旅する猫」の仮構成案
2021年11月末   構成案、台割完成
2022年1月5日~6日 掲載作品の写真撮影
2022年1月19日、20日 制作工程の写真撮影
2022年1月26日 予備撮影日
2022年2月初旬~中旬 ポストプロダクション(写真の選定他)
2022年2月中旬~3月中旬 書籍デザイン、InDesignでDTP
2022年2月中旬~3月中旬 日本語原稿から各国語への翻訳
2022年3月中旬~4月末  Epubデータ出力(Kindle形式)
2022年4月末~5月初旬  Amazonへの出稿
July 10, 2021: First e-book editing meeting @ Takahashi Residence
August 26, 2021 - Second meeting: Tentative structure of "The Traveling Funny Cats"
End of November, 2021: Draft structure and table layout
January 5-6, 2022: Photographing works to be published in the book
January 19 and 20, 2022: Photographing the production process
Early to mid-February 2022: Post-production (selection of photos, etc.)
Mid-February to mid-March 2022: Book design, DTP with InDesign
Mid-February to mid-March 2022: Translation from Japanese manuscript into 11 languages
Mid-March to end-April 2022: Epub data output (Kindle format)
End of April - Beginning of May, 2022: Submission to Amazon

資金の使い道 / How the funds will be used

 完成原稿のDTP+電子書籍化費 (12ヶ国語)

Our goal of 1,000,000 yen will be used almost entirely for the production of the e-book. Specifically, it will be used to pay for the following tasks:
  Book design fees
  Composition, writing, editing, and coordination of the Japanese manuscript
  Photography, selection, and editing of artwork, production procedures, etc.
  DTP of the completed manuscript and conversion into an e-book (12 languages)
  Translation of Japanese manuscript into 11 languages
  Construction of a portal site for our clay cat production courses


In fact, approximately 800,000 yen, which is 1,000,000 yen minus fees, will not be enough to cover the above costs, so we will make up the shortfall.


The funds raised in excess of our goal will be used to cover the cost of producing videos of each step of the clay cat production process to be used on our YouTube channel that is linked to this e-book.

想定されるリスクとチャレンジ / Possible risks and challenges


This project is a guaranteed execution type. We are already in the process of taking photos and creating a script for the book, so even if we do not reach our goal, we will use our own funds to realize the project and fulfill the returns.

特典について / About Rewards

Here is an explanation of the reward.

*1: NFT アートを受け取るには、暗号通貨のウォレット(例: Metamask)が必要です。事前に同プラットフォームにアカウントを作成しNFTを受け取るためのウォレットアドレス(例: Metamask)をご支援時にお知らせください。
*2: ご希望のNFTアートが別のコレクター様にすでに指定されていた場合は、その旨、ただちにお知らせいたしますので、他のアートをお選びいただくことになります。
*3: その他、ご不明の点などあれば、なんなりと電子メールにてお尋ねください(contact@sohos.com)。当方では随時、新しいNFTアートを追加しています。

*1: In order to receive NFT art, you need a cryptocurrency wallet (e.g. Metamask). Please create an Opensea account in advance and let us know the address of the wallet you created (e.g. Metamask) when you apply for support.
*2: If the NFT art you want has already been assigned to another collector, we will notify you immediately and you will be able to choose another art.
*3:If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail (contact@sohos.com). We are always adding new NFT art.

完成した電子書籍 ― ご支援をいただいたすべての方々には、完成した電子書籍を特典としてお送りいたします。配布方法は電子メールにてお送りする予定です。
Finished eBook -- All supporters will receive the completed e-book via e-mail as a reward.

オリジナルポストカード ― 高橋さんの最新作の猫たちをフィーチャーしたオリジナルの楽しい図柄のポストカードを3点、お礼の手紙と一緒にお送りいたします。
Original Postcards - We will send you three original, fun designs featuring Ms. Takahashi's latest cats (clay and/or painting), along with a thank you letter.

ウェブサイトにお名前掲載 ― 今年後半に開催予定の作品展の中心的展示場となる専用サイトの構築を進めており、同サイト上にページを用意し、支援者様のお名前を掲載させていただきます。展示サイトのアドレス(URL)は公開した時点でお知らせいたします。
Your name on the website - We are building a dedicated website that will serve as the central display area for the exhibition that will be held later this year. The URL of the exhibition site will be announced when it becomes available.

電子書籍にお名前掲載 ― 文字通り、電子書籍にお名前を掲載させていただきます。
Your name in the eBook - Literally, your name will be listed in the eBook.

粘土猫一点 ― 高橋さんがひとつひとつ制作した作品をお届けいたします。
Clay cat - A piece of clay art created by Ms. Takahashi just for you.

NFTアート 1 点 ― 高橋さんの作品の絵画または粘土猫の写真をベースにしたNFTアートの特典です。当社が高橋さんから委託を受けて制作したアートを現在10数点、Opensea という海外のプラットフォーム上に展示しています。以下のリンクをクリックするとご覧いただくことができます: https://opensea.io/The-Cats-Meow
One of our NFT arts - This is a special reward for NFT art based on a painting or photo of a clay cat by Ms. Risa Takahashi. Commissioned by her, we currently have over a dozen of her works on display on an international platform "Opensea." Click on the link below to view them: https://opensea.io/The-Cats-Meow

※ NFTアートを受け取るには、暗号通貨のウォレット(例: Metamask)が必要です。
* You will need to have cryptocurrency wallet (e.g. "Metamask") in order to receive the NFT art of your choice.

今後の進展に関するお知らせ / Announcements about future progress


As the project progresses, we will announce it in the Updates section. We will also share the information on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Website: https://www.iroha-dou.com/jp/   https://www.iroha-dou.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/irohashop
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/irohashop
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/irohashop_japan/

*) プレゼンターについて / About Presenter

1984年: 株式会社ニューテック設立に参画(専務取締役)
1989年: 株式会社データリンク設立(代表取締役)
1997年3月: 株式会社データリンク退職
1997年5月: 有限会社ソーホーズ設立(代表取締役)
2008年12月: 株式会社ソーホーズ設立(代表取締役)
Dropped out of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shibaura Institute of Technology.
1984: Participated in the establishment of New Tech Corporation (Senior Managing Director)
1989: Established Datalink Co., Ltd. (Representative Director)
Mar. 1997: Resigned from DATALINK Co.Ltd.
May 1997: Established Limited Private Company SOHOS as a founder & a representative director.
Dec. 2008: Established The Sohos, Ltd. as a founder & representative director
* All of the above companies are technical translation/localization companies.
At the time of my first company's founding, the IT industry was in its infancy, and there was an overflow of work from well-known companies such as IBM, Digital Equipment, HP, Silicon Graphics, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Netscape, Microsoft, etc. etc...


We hope that these people will be able to meet each other and interact with each other in a way that goes beyond words.

It is our dream that the forthcoming publication of this book depicting these unique and fun works of art on the motif of cats will come to the attention of as many cat lovers around the world as possible and pique their interest to create their own original clay cat and give it an amusing title. We are looking forward to seeing the one-of-a-kind work of arts they will create and we will do whatever it takes to build a forum for exchanges that transcend language.◆


  • 3000


    • お礼の手紙
    • 完成した電子書籍
    • 2022年05月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。
  • 5000


    • お礼の手紙
    • 完成した電子書籍
    • オリジナルポストカード(3枚) サイン入り
    • 2022年05月 にお届け予定です。
    • 2人が応援しています。
  • 10000


    • お礼の手紙
    • 完成した電子書籍
    • オリジナルポストカード(3枚) サイン入り
    • 電子書籍にお名前掲載
    • 2022年05月 にお届け予定です。
    • 6人が応援しています。
  • 残り10枚



    • お礼の手紙
    • 完成した電子書籍
    • NFTアート1点
    • 電子書籍にお名前掲載
    • 2022年05月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 残り15枚



    • お礼の手紙
    • 完成した電子書籍
    • 粘土猫作品一点
    • 電子書籍にお名前掲載
    • 2022年05月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 残り9枚



    • お礼の手紙
    • 完成した電子書籍
    • オリジナルポストカード(3枚) サイン入り
    • NFTアート1点
    • 粘土猫作品一点
    • 電子書籍にお名前掲載
    • ウェブサイトにお名前掲載
    • 2022年05月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。