舞踏フェスティバル「DIGITAL REALITY」をクラウドファンディングで実現!
コロナ禍の最中でも、舞踏未体験の方々に舞踏の面白さや美しさを紹介するために立ち上げられたプロジェクト。担当は黄金町エリアマネジメントセンターの本田舞です。 This project was set up to share a love of Butoh with those who have never experienced it, despite the Covid pandemic. The person in charge is Taz (Mai Honda) from the Koganecho Area Management Center.
↓↓↓For more information about this campaign, scroll down past the Japanese↓↓↓
そこで、できるだけ多くの人に楽しんでもらうために、横浜の黄金町エリアで無料の屋外フェスティバル「DIGITAL // REALITY」を開催します。
本プロジェクトは、横浜市の Dance Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021の連携企画として、黄金町エリアマネジメントセンターとともに運営します。国際アートフェスティバル 「黄金町バザール」が同時期に開催されるため、アートと舞踏の両方が楽しめる機会となります。
タイトルの「DIGITAL // REALITY」とは、私たちが直面している現在を表しています。
イギリスと日本のハーフ、ロンドン生まれ。英語名は Taz Burns。8年間バレエを続けた後、演劇に関心を抱き、イギリスでは女優・制作者・シルエットアーティストとして活動。ウォーリック大学とベオグラード芸術大学で国際パフォーマンス研究の修士号を取得しているときに舞踏と出会い、2016年に大野慶人の舞踏を学びに来日。現在は黄金町エリアマネジメントセンターで仕事をしながら、舞踏家の上杉満代のもとで稽古を続けている。
会期|2021 年 10月9日(土)・10日(日)・16日(土)・17日(日)
主催|「DIGITAL // REALITY」プロジェクト
共催|横浜アーツフェスティバル実行委員会「Dance Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021」
協力|7artscafe、NPOダンスアーカイヴ構想、Vangeline Theater/New York Butoh Institute
1)[REALITY] 上杉満代『メランコリア—Mの肖像』公演 10月9日(土)・10日(日)各日19:00開演
上杉満代|Photo by 高島史於
上杉満代|Photo by高松真樹子
街には物語りが潜んでいる。 人々の喜怒哀楽。光と闇、死と生が渦巻く。 沈殿する記憶。流動する想念。 わたしはそのエネルギーの渦に身を放ち踊りたい。密かににささやかに交合する。 祭りだ!
2)[DIGITAL] 大野一雄『O氏の肖像』上映会 10月16日(土)・17日(日)各日19:00上映開始
大野一雄|Photo by 藤崎ボブ
(1969) 16mm モノクロ 65分
3)[DIGITAL] ニューヨーク舞踏インスティチュート「Women Defining Butoh」特別上映 10月9日(土)・16日(土)各日14:00/17:00上映開始
Photo by Bryan KwonDAIPAN舞踏コレクティブ|Photo by R. Nihiline
クリスタル・サバー|Photo by Scott Rubin
エウヘニア・バルガス|Photo by César Alberto Guzmán
2021年10月にオンラインで開催されるニューヨーク舞踏インスティチュートによる映像フェスティバル「Women Defining Butoh」から4作品を特別上映。アメリカ、メキシコで活動する彼女たちの映像上映は日本初。会場は最近黄金町にオープンした「7artscafe」。日本で生まれた舞踏がButohへと発展した様子を紹介する。
ヴァンジェリン・シアター『Eternity 123』
クリスタル・サバー『Sowing Asynchronicities』
エウヘニア・バルガス『UMBRÍA - shadow trilogy for a dancer -』
4)[REALITY]『い・の・ち・の・わ~宇を羽織って宙に舞う~』公演 10月10日(日)14:00開演
Photo by 飯名尚人
出演者 (50音順)
本プロジェクトは、Dance Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021の連携企画として、制作資金の一部を補助していただくことになりました。しかし、屋外で開催する「無料」のフェスティバルとするため、さらなる資金を必要としています。
This project's main aim is to share the unusual intrigue of Butoh to people and to invite people to have fun outdoors during the Covid pandemic. The beauty of Butoh is its power to express the present, yet it is still relatively unknown.
In order to achieve this aim, we are holding a free outdoor festival "DIGITAL // REALITY" in the historic area of Koganecho in Yokohama.
The festival is being held as part of Yokohama City's Dance Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021 festival, at the Koganecho Area Management Center (KAMC). It is also being held at the same time as KAMC's yearly "Koganecho Bazaar" festival, which means we have access to an audience who are interested in art, but may not necessarily have come across Butoh before. This is a perfect opportunity for us to give a new audience the chance to encounter Butoh.
Butoh founders Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno lived in the Hodogya area of Yokohama for many years. Despite this, Butoh is still relatively unknown in Yokohama.
The title "DIGITAL // REALITY" comes from the present circumstances we are facing.
Especially as we come out of a worldwide pandemic, we hope this will give the people of Yokohama and chance to escape the DIGITAL world we have all been stuck in for the last year, and to come and experience a new REALITY.
A message from Taz, our programmer:
All around the world, performing arts events were postponed or cancelled due to the effects of the the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Even now many places have to consider social distancing, wearing masks and disinfecting hands, and those of us in the performing arts industry have had many concerns about how to continue working.
In response, many performers have delivered online events this year, and even famous theatres made shows available to watch from home. We are now living in a world where we can watch almost anything online. Yet, despite the excellent online work we have seen in the last year, there is still something missing when we can only access it online.
For this festival in 2021 I'm hoping to invite people back out to REALITY, while still referring back to the DIGITAL world we have built over the last year.
The dance style I have chosen for this festival is Butoh. This is in part because Butoh is the dance form I am most interested in personally, but I also feel that Butoh is a continually evolving dance form that always represents the "present". In addition, this festival will be held in Yokohama, which was home to the famous Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno. Yokohama has a long history with Butoh, and I would love for more people who live here to have the dance to encounter it.
A big thank you to everyone helping to make this happen!
About Taz:
Born in London to British and Japanese parents. Also goes by her Japanese name "Mai Honda". After studying ballet for 8 years she became mostly involved in theatre, and worked as an actor, producer and silhouette artist while living in England. She encountered Butoh while studying for her masters degree in International Performance Research at the University of Warwick and University of Arts in Belgrade, and moved to Japan in 2016 to study with Yoshito Ohno. She currently works for the NPO Koganecho Area Management Center, and continues her Butoh practice with Mitsuyo Uesugi.
Butoh is a performing art that began in post war Japan. With roots in 1920s German Modern Dance, it began as a groundbreaking avant-garde form pioneered by Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno. Tatsumi Hijikata's Kinjiki (Forbidden Colours) in 1959 is often cited as the first Butoh performance, and Kazuo Ohno's Admiring La Argentina popularised Butoh around the world in the 1970s. Today, there are Butoh festivals all over the world.
Dates: 9 / 10 / 16 / 17 October
Venues: Step Plaza (
1 Chome Koganecho, Naka Ward, Yokohama)
7artscafe (1-3 Okonogi Bldg. #2, 1st floor, Sueyoshicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
Entry: Free
Organisers: "DIGITAL // REALITY" Project, NPO Koganecho Area Management Center
Co-sponsor: Yokohama Arts Festival Executive Committee "Dance Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021"
In cooperation with:
7artscafe, NPO Dance Archive Network, Vangeline Theater/New York Butoh Institute
1)[performance] Mitsuyo Uesugi: Melancholia—A Portrait of M 9th & 10th October 19:00
Mitsuyo Uesugi|Photo by Fumio Takashima
Mitsuyo Uesugi|Photo by Makiko Takamatsu
A performance by Mitsuyo Uesugi, a student of Kazuo Ohno and one of the first women to perform solo Butoh performances who has been performing for over 50 years. In this piece she brings together the concepts of "digital" and "reality" together in a collaborative performance with a film by Makiko Takamatsu, performed in a unique space below the railways.
A Message from Mitsuyo Uesugi:
Stories lurking in the town. The emotion of the people. A swirl of light and dark, death and life. A sediment of memories. The flow of thoughts. I want to dance in this whirlpool of energy. In a secret, gentle copulation. Let us celebrate!
For the Koganecho festival
Mitsuyo Uesugi
2)[film screening] Kazuo Ohno: A Portrait of Mr. O 16th & 17th October 19:00
Kazuo Ohno|Photo by Bob Fujisaki
(1969) 16mm Monochrome 65min
This film was made in various locations around Kazuo Ohno's home in Hodogaya, Yokohama, including his rehearsal studio and the boiler room of the school where Kazuo was working at the time. Kazuo would often say that "life is my dance teacher" and in this film "life" is his stage. The music is also played by Kazuo himself. Directed by Chiaki Nagano.
3)[film screenings] New York Butoh Institute "Women Defining Butoh” Film Screenings 9th & 16th October 14:00/17:00
Vangeline Theater/New York Butoh Institute|Photo by Bryan Kwon
DAIPANbutoh Collective|Photo by R. Nihiline
Cristal Sabbagh|Photo by Scott Rubin
Eugenia Vargas|Photo by César Alberto Guzmán
We will be screening four films from the New York Butoh Institute's Women Defining Butoh program which is taking place online in October. These performances by Butoh artists in America and Mexico will be screening in Japan for the first time. The venue is the recently opened 7artscafe in Yokohama. This is a chance for people to see how Butoh, which originated in Japan, has influenced artists abroad.
Works to be shown:
Vangeline Theater's
Eternity 123
DAIPANbutoh Collective's
Cristal Sabbagh's
Sowing Asynchronicities
Eugenia Vargas'
UMBRÍA - shadow trilogy for a dancer -
4)[performance] CIRCLE OF LIFE ~Dancing in the Sky~ 10th October 14:00
Photo by naoto iina
Students from the Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio gather together to perform their own Butoh performances, keeping the teachings of the late Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno in their hearts.
Performers (Japanese alphabetical order)
Anli Ohno
Zayura Kagami
Michiyuki Kato
Keiun Kim
Aki Kuze
Ryugoro Kuze
Yui Baba
Reiko Matsumoto
This project is receiving a partial grant from Yokohama City for its participation in the Dance Dance Dance @ YOKOHAMA 2021 festival. However, it is not enough to for us to run this as the free program we would like to.
Butoh performances often attract the same audiences, and the great thing about this festival is that it's an opportunity to share Butoh with a new audience. One of the key points of this festival is that we want to make it free, and not take any money from ticket sales, in order to give as many new people access to Butoh as possible. But to do this we need the help of others.
Help us share the brilliance of Butoh with a wider audience!
As a thank you, we are preparing various performance-related goods in return for your support. These goods are being made specially, and cannot be obtained anywhere else! All returns will be sent out by the end of this year (overseas mail may take a bit longer).
Photographs of the Digital//Reality events made into postcards. The postcards you receive will be randomised.
【Signed photograph by Mitsuyo Uesugi】
A signed photograph from Mitsuyo Uesugi of her performance "Melancholia—A Portrait of M".
【DVD: "CIRCLE OF LIFE ~Dancing in the Sky~"】
A DVD of the performances in "CIRCLE OF LIFE ~Dancing in the Sky~". This DVD is only available through this crowdfunding! International postage available. Don't miss out!
【DVD: Mitsuyo Uesugi "Melancholia—A Portrait of M"】
A DVD of Mitsuyo Uesugi's performance "Melancholia—A Portrait of M". This DVD is only available through this crowdfunding! International postage available. Don't miss out!
【Ending Credit】
Your name will be added to the ending credits of the "CIRCLE OF LIFE ~Dancing in the Sky~" and "Melancholia—A Portrait of M" DVDs.
【Koganecho Bazaar Ticket】
Those who claim either our "Deluxe" or "VIP" sets will be sent a free ticket for the "
Koganecho Bazaar" festival, which is being held in the same area as this project from 1st~31st October. This ticket can be used any time in October.
【Producer Credit】
Only 3 people who select our "VIP" set will get the "Producer" treatment. Your name will be displayed at the very beginning of the "CIRCLE OF LIFE ~Dancing in the Sky~" and "Melancholia—A Portrait of M" DVDs.
【Dress Rehearsal Invitation】
Only 3 people who select our "VIP" set will be invited to watch the dress rehearsal of Mitsuyo Uesugi's "Melancholia—A Portrait of M", and be part of the backstage experience. The dress rehearsal will take place on 8th October.
We will do our best to make this project a success, and we appreciate all support in helping us making this happen!
This project was launched in order to share a love of Butoh with the people of Yokohama, despite the ongoing Covid pandemic. To ensure the safety of our viewers, all performances are taking place outdoors with social distancing measures in place, and tickets will be free to encourage new audience members to engage with Butoh.
We plan to go ahead with this project whether we reach our goal or not. Performances will be held, and we will fulfil our promises with the returns. However, at the moment we do not have enough to pay our artists and staff properly. We ask for your help to support the future of our artists, and to advocate future Butoh related events in Yokohama.
All returns will be sent out by the end of the year (international mail may take longer to reach the recipient).
1000 円
3000 円
5000 円
8000 円
10000 円
30000 円
50000 円
100000 円