vol. 45 2021-02-01 0
Thank you for your support for crowdfunding
みなさん こんばんは Green Oneの広報です。
Good evening everyone, this is Green One's public relations.
クラウドファンディングにご支援いただいた14名の皆様へ To all 14 people who supported the crowdfunding
We want to thank the owner, Suzuki, and all the staff for their generous support.
The exhibition at the Short Shorts Film Festival has been completed successfully.
またドキュメンタリー映画「Change Your Mind」が劇場公開になりましたら、是非ともご覧いだけますと幸いと存じます。
When the documentary film "Change Your Mind" is released in theaters, I hope you will take a look.
今後とも引き続きGreen One及び、一般社団法人GLETAを何卒よろしくお願いいたします。
We look forward to your continued support of Green One and GLETA, a general incorporated association.
Once again, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who supported this project and helped to carry it out.
誠にありがとうございました。 Thank you very much.