Our project has concluded!
vol. 21 2019-09-21 0
We reached 2,118 total supporters.
We received 12,773,000 yen in donations; ---319% of our initial goal.
These contributions will enable us to advertise a whole page message on The Tokyo Shimbun, The Chunichi Shimbun and The Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun.
We cannot thank our supporters enough, the ones who trusted us unrecognized SMAP fans, to advertise our campaign with your gracious donations.
When we started, we anticipated lots of controversy for using donations to spread our seemingly simple message of ‘We are SMAP fans on newspaper and SNS’. However, we didn’t anticipate receiving lots of supports and donations. It made us have a sense of great responsibility to accomplish our goal.
Also, we appreciate your help by spreading this movement and offering us your pictures and videos.
From now on, we will be discussing with newspaper companies on our release date and design. We will be sure to fulfill our purpose in a responsible way with your hopes.
The advertisement will be anticipated to release in the mid-November, and we will release more information in future updates.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
The ‘Let’s say We are SMAP fans’ members.