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Keiko Kawashima/gallerygallery プロフィールを表示



川嶋 啓子/KAWASHIMA Keiko 現職:ディレクター<ギャラリーギャラリー/京都、京都インターナショナルコンテンポラリーテキスタイルアートセンター(KICTAC)> 非常勤講師:相愛大学、成安造形大学(いずれも現在)、京都造形芸術大学(2010年まで)、京都市立芸術大学(2017年度)、金沢美術工芸大学(2016年度)、名古屋芸術大学(2020年まで) 海外コミッショナー:2004/2007/2010/2013/2016 インターナショナル トリエンナーレ オブ タペストリー(ウッジ/ポーランド)他、講演・国際展審査員・展覧会企画・展覧会コーディネート多数



Request for your support for office relocation expenses due to the closure of a long-established textile gallery in Kyoto.

Due to the closure of the gallery, we would like to preserve and utilize the many materials and archives which are kept in the current office in the new office as a place where everyone can view them.

<Outline and description of the project


The GALLERYGALLERY was established in 1981 as an artist-run exhibition space on the fifth floor of an old building built in 1927 near Shijo Kawaramachi in Kyoto. Initially, the building did not have an elevator, and most of the tenants used the space for their offices, but the tranquility of the building and the "unmanned gallery through the glass" that appeared on the fifth floor made it possible for up-and-coming artists to share their passion for contemporary art and contemporary textile art. It has been used as a place to present contemporary art and contemporary textile art.



After I (Keiko Kawashima), a student of the founding members, took over the gallery in 1988, I have continued to operate the gallery with the aim of disseminating contemporary textile art, which has been the purpose of the gallery since its establishment. Even after Kawashima started running the gallery, the founding members and the artists involved in the gallery have been working hard to promote the gallery not only in Japan but also to the world.

川嶋個人ではKICTAC(Kyoto International Contemporary Textile Art Center)という機関を設立し、海外での展覧会のコーディネート(2001 TEXTURAL SPACE-イギリス、2019 リトアニア日本テキスタイル作家交流展-リトアニアなど)や国際コンペの国際審査員(インターナショナルタペストリー トリエンナーレ-ポーランドなど)も努めてきました。

I personally established an organization called KICTAC (Kyoto International Contemporary Textile Art Center) and coordinates exhibitions abroad (2001 TEXTURAL SPACE - UK, 2019 Lithuania-Japan Textile Artists Exchange Exhibition - Lithuania, etc.). I have also served as an international juror for international competitions (International Tapestry Triennial - Poland, etc.).



In the course of these activities, I have made many connections with people overseas, and have had the opportunity to present many works by domestic and international artists at the GALLERYGALLERY.

ギャラリーで開催された展覧会とそのレクチャー(2020.02 堤加奈恵 展)


In the beginning, there were no elevators and we had to take the stairs to get to the gallery, but elevators were installed and the building itself was transformed into a commercial building. As a result, the tranquil space became a lively one, and the unprecedented inbound boom also changed the way galleries operate. In particular, in recent years, the number of visits and use of the gallery by art students and young artists has been decreasing, and the decrease in visitors due to the COVID-19 refrainment from going out has given us an opportunity to question the significance of the gallery as a "place of transmission”. In addition, considering my age, I have decided to close the GALLERYGALLERY in 2022.

<The reason why I relocate the gallery’s office instead of closing it.


In the office of the gallery, there are many materials and catalogues of exhibitions that I have visited in Japan and abroad. 



There are also archives of the many exhibitions that have been held at the GALLERYGALLERY.



As I am closing the gallery, I have decided to move our office to a new location as a way of preserving these many materials without losing them somehow.


The new office is located in Nishijin, the center of Kyoto's textile industry, and I have decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign in order to make the new office a place where you can comprehensively view the materials for contemporary art and contemporary textiles.

<What we can do at the new office

  1. これまでに集めたたくさんの資料を移動・整理し、より多くの人たちに利用してもらえる場所の確保
    Secure a place where we can move and organize the many materials we have collected till now and make them available to a wider audience.
    *The new office will allow visitors to browse materials from textile and dyeing exhibitions held in Japan and abroad, and introduce the exhibiting artists. Some of the materials are already out of print, and some are rarely found in one place. We have been providing information in the form of data to curators and university staff.
  2. 日本の染織・テキスタイルの魅力を発信する場所として継続していく
    Continue as a place to promote the appeal of Japanese dyeing and weaving and textiles.
    *Information on related exhibitions, events, etc. can be disseminated.
  3. GALLERYGALLERYでこれまでに行われた展覧会のアーカイブを整理する
    Organize an archive of exhibitions that have been held at GALLERYGALLERY.
    *We will begin organizing the archive after the office relocation and aim to complete and publish it in six months to a year.


*This project will raise funds for the relocation, which is an essential prerequisite for these projects. We would like to complete the relocation successfully and work on the above.

Schedule for office relocation
Project starts.
Relocation work begins
Interior work for new office, drawings for bookcases
Purchase or build bookcases and organize and transport books
Around January 2023
Cleaning up the GALLERYGALLERY and old office
Around February 2023
New office will be open.

<About Returns

また、ご支援金額により、ギャラリーのポストカード、無人時代の展覧会を総集したB5判図録「The Top Floor」、ギャラリーオリジナルTシャツもご用意しています。
All supporters will receive a thank you email.
Depending on the amount of your support, you will also receive a gallery postcard, B5 size catalog "The Top Floor" which is a comprehensive collection of exhibitions held during the unmanned period, and an original gallery T-shirt.

①¥1,000:お礼メール/Thank you email

②¥5,000:お礼メール+ギャラリーポストカード3枚/Thank you email + 3 gallery postcards

③¥10,000:お礼メール+ギャラリーポストカード6枚/Thank you email + 6 gallery postcards

④¥15,000:お礼メール+ギャラリーポストカード10枚/Thank you email + 10 gallery postcards


⑤¥30,000:お礼メール+無人時代の展覧会を総集した書籍「TheTop Floor」+ポストカード3枚/Thank you email  +  "The Top Floor" which is a exhibition catalogue of the unmanned period + 3 gallery postcards

⑥¥50,000:お礼メール+ギャラリーオリジナルTシャツ(白)+ポストカード3枚/Thank you email + Gallery original T-shirt ; White + 3 gallery postcards

⑦¥50,000:お礼メール+ギャラリーオリジナルTシャツ(黒)+ポストカード3枚/Thank you email + Gallery original T-shirt ; Black + 3 gallery postcards



In crowdfunding that we are doing now when supporting from overseas there is a problem that you cannot support if you cannot input Japanese and it is an explanation how to do it to solve this problem.

*リターン名称が「【FOR OVERSEAS】Address will be confirmed later.」となっている返礼品は、日本にお住いの外国人の方&海外への発送専用となります。日本にお住いの日本名をお持ちの方はお選びいただかないようにお願いいたします*
*Returns with the return name" [FOR OVERSEAS] Address will be confirmed later." are only for foreigners living in Japan & shipping to overseas. Please do not select this item if you have a Japanese name and reside in Japan.*

For more information, please click here.

<How your support will be used

  • 現事務所と新事務所の二重に支払うことになる家賃(約半年分)
    Rent for the current office and the new office (for about 6 months)
  • 新事務所での什器・書棚作成や現事務所の原状回復費用など
    Cost of furniture and bookshelves for the new office and restoration of the current office to its original state, etc.
  • 事務所の移転のための引越し費用(ガソリン代・駐車場代・お手伝いの方へのお礼など含む)*本が多い為たいへん重いです。そのため、整理しながら複数回に分けて運ぶ必要があります。
    Moving expenses for office relocation (including gasoline, parking, and thanks for helpers)
    *The book collection is very heavy due to the large number of books. Therefore, it will be necessary to carry them in multiple trips while organizing them.
  • リターン品の作成・発送にかかる費用とクラウド手数料
    Crowdfunding fees and costs associated with the creation and shipping of returned goods

<Assumed Risks and Challenges

This project will be done using the production funding method (all-in method), with a minimum relocation cost as the target amount. Since the relocation is finalized, we will make the move and fulfill the return even if the target amount is not reached.


We have found an ideal location for our new office, and we are in a hurry to sign the contract. However, to be honest, it is very painful to have to pay double rent for six months. In order to save as much money as possible, we intend to do the book move and relocation ourselves instead of hiring a contractor. (We would love to hear from anyone who can help! (Seeking a strong person!!!))

We are currently discussing more user-friendly stacks so that the archives that will be stored in the new office after the relocation will be useful to everyone. If the amount of your support exceeds our goal, we will use the funds to improve our office facilities, such as building dedicated bookshelves.

<Lastly, we would like to thank you for your support.


Thank you for taking the time to read this page to the end.

In the office I plan to open, I will organize many exhibition materials on dyeing and weaving and textiles, including contemporary textile art, so that they can be viewed and provided to those who are interested, researchers, and museum staff.
It will also be a place where the general public can learn about the merits of dyeing, weaving, and textiles, and I can help introduce artists, plan and realize workshops, etc. 


I think that the assets that GALLERYGALLERY wants to take over in the future are not only archives, but the true assets are the connections with people who have been involved with Keiko Kawashima. I will consider how to use the new office and how Keiko Kawashima's activities will be so that I can keep the connection between people.


I also anticipate that compiling an archive which has a history of 40 years will take time and be difficult.
I would appreciate your continued cooperation.

川嶋啓子/Keiko KAWASHIMA


  • 1000


    • お礼メール
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 7人が応援しています。
  • 1000

    I will send you a thank you email.

    • Thank you email
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 1人が応援しています。
  • 5000


    • お礼メール
    • ギャラリーのオリジナルポストカード3枚
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 22人が応援しています。
  • 5000

    【FOR OVERSEAS-1】Address will be confirmed later.

    • Thank you email
    • 3 gallery postcards
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 0人が応援しています。
  • 10000


    • お礼メール
    • ギャラリーのオリジナルポストカード6枚
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 64人が応援しています。
  • 10000

    【FOR OVERSEAS-2】Address will be confirmed later.

    • Thank you email
    • 6 gallery postcards
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 2人が応援しています。
  • 15000


    • お礼メール
    • ギャラリーのオリジナルポストカード10枚
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 6人が応援しています。
  • 15000

    【FOR OVERSEAS-3】Address will be confirmed later.

    • Thank you email
    • 10 gallery postcards
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 2人が応援しています。
  • 残り5枚


    お礼のメールと「The Top Floor」とポストカード3枚

    • お礼メール
    • 無人時代の展覧会図録「The Top Floor」
    • ギャラリーのオリジナルポストカード3枚
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 15人が応援しています。
  • 残り2枚



    • お礼メール
    • ギャラリーのオリジナルTシャツ白 Mサイズ
    • ギャラリーのオリジナルポストカード3枚
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 8人が応援しています。
  • 残り5枚



    • お礼メール
    • ギャラリーのオリジナルTシャツ黒 Mサイズ
    • ギャラリーのオリジナルポストカード3枚
    • 2022年06月 にお届け予定です。
    • 5人が応援しています。